Bonus chapter!

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<Mama, mama!>

The little girls voice echoed through the headquarters as she run pass the other cadets. She run faster when the H/C locks of her mother came visible. Her mother turned around and laughed when she saw her daughter running. Besides her, the short raven man, was carrying her luggage.

<Y/N! Be careful so you don't fall!>

Her father's strict voice made her slow down. Soon she ran into her mother's warm arms.

<Good bye Y/N, I'll miss you, pumpkin>

<Goodbye mama, I love you!>

Her mother was going on a business trip to the castle and was leaving for a day.

<I love you too Y/N, and be nice to your father!>

Her mother's eyes got strict, so little Y/N just nodded.

<Caroline, the carriage is ready!>

Caroline kissed her daughter on the forehead and turned to the carriage. Her husband Levi was holding the door open. She turned to him and Levi sneaked a hand around her waist and kissed her deeply. Their daughter scrunched her nose, but went to stand beside her parents. After the kiss, Caroline stepped in the carriage and waved to her family. Y/N waved back, a little sad that her mother was leaving, but still happy that she would spend time with her father. Soon the carriage left and Y/N and Levi were the only ones left.

Levi reached out for Y/N's hand and she gave it to him. They went up the stairs and inside the HQ.

<Now Y/N, I won't appreciate any naughtiness, okay?>

<No Papa>

<Good, now I have some work to do, so let's go to my office>

Y/N looked at her father. She was waiting more than just sitting in his office all time. She sighed loudly while she followed her dad up to his office. Levi opened the big door to his very clean office and pointed a finger towards the armchair in the furthest corner.

<Sit there and be good, okay?>

Y/N looked at her father and nodded. She sat herself down on the comfy chair and watched her father sit down and run a hand through his raven black hair.

Reader-chan's POV

I looked at my father as he started looking through some papers, occasionally writing something on them. I sighed loudly again, which earned a sharp glare from my father. The clock ticked on, on the wall and the only hearable thing was the rustle of the paper.


<Yes, Y/N>

I heard the irritation in my father's voice, but I pushed on.

<Can I have a paper and pen?>

My father sighed loudly and rustled in his boxes, before taking out a clear paper and a quill.

<Don't drop any ink on my floor, am I clear?>

<Yes Papa!>

Levi just nodded in approval and continued on his paper work. I started drawing, but looked up from my artwork when the door opened. In stepped Uncle Erwin.


I ran into his arms, but my foot tripped on the ink bottle, which in order fell and tainted the brown wood floors into an evil looking black. I froze and stared at the ink stain, my hands shaking. I knew what was coming. My father had never hit me, but when he got mad, he was one hell of a yeller.

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