Running Away

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You knew that you couldn't go back home. They saw your face and the cameras caught your face too. You waited for a car to arrive and stop for gas. A women stepped out of the car and headed inside to pay. As she did that you snuck into the backseat and kneeled. Apparently she was stupid enough to miss the fact that you were in her car. When she got back in the drivers seat you sat up and placed the boxcutter against her neck.

"Drive me to where I want to go or I'll kill you" you replied.

She shook her head indicating yes and you told her where to go. Her eyes were wide with fear as you continued to press your boxcutter against her. When she stopped in front of your house you looked at her through the rear view mirror of the car.

"Sorry. I can't have any witnesses" you said as you slit her throat. You climbed out the car and got inside your house and grabbed a backpack and filled it with knives and food. You wrote a quick note to your dad.

"I'm sorry but I have to go. I love you. They know what I've done"was all that was on your note.

You began heading to the car. You got in and threw the woman to the passengers seat. You began heading to Timothy's house. You turned on the radio and blasted music. When you got there you knocked on the door and he opened it. You just stared at him for a couple of seconds.

"I saw the news. Are you leaving?" He asked.

"Only if you're coming with me" you replied.
He ran inside and up the stairs and you followed behind. He grabbed a huge camping bag and packed all his weapons and his little cooler in it. He grabbed money from his moms room. Over 500. Then you both got in the car.

"Where are we going?" He asked.

"To get us some costumes. If they see me they'll call the cops. If they see you, well you're normal but I don't want you to have the same fate as mine. I won't let them see your face" you responded.
You began driving to a nearby costume store.

"You head in first and act scared" you said.

"What why" he replied.

"Just go" you said.

After about 30 minutes you grabbed a gun that was in the glove compartment of the car. You headed inside.

"All of you. It's nice to meet you" you said.

Tim was standing in the line about to pay and had his costume in his hands. You walked over and grabbed some stuff of your own and then pulled Tim by his hair as he pretended to be scared and walked out the door.

"They'll think I kidnapped you. So that way they don't think you might have run away with me" you said as you pushed him in the car. He had gotten a plain black hoodie and put it over his red longsleeve. He had black pants too and his black vans. He got bleach to get his hair even lighter than it was. The mask he choose covered his whole face and was painted like a skeleton only the paint was dripping down so it looked messy.
______________________________________________________________________Since this story is for you guys give me some ideas of how you would like your mask to look so I can incorporate it :3-LJ

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