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As you sat down in the seat of the theater Toby kept kept twitching. You tried to calm him down but you couldn't. The movie began and the lights dimmed. You suddenly felt hands around your neck. You heard a loud bang and the hands let go. The lights turned back on and you saw that Toby had punched someone and they had your arms around you. The person had all black and a pumpkin mask on. You backed up. He pulled out a gun and suddenly more people dressed like him had guns and started to shoot people.

"Toby you take them I'll take this guy" you said to him. He nodded and then headed towards the other two guys. Toby was quick and strong. You didn't have anything. You ran as fast as you could and knocked the guy down. He pushed you and got on top of you and started to punch you repeatedly. You shook under him trying to make him get off. Then suddenly Toby came running to you and knocked him off. Toby punched the guy then knocked him in the head with his foot knocking him out. The police walked in and you guys told them what had happened.

"You guys are heroes" you heard a ladies voice from behind. She had a mic in her hand and a that followed guy behind her had a camera.
"These two young teenagers helped save many helpless people in this theater today...." She said and continued.

Toby turned to you looking a bit upset.
You walked out the theater and walked behind the building.

"What's wrong?" You asked.

"I don't like changing. I don't want to be a hero" he replied.

"Well why? There's nothing wrong with it. And you're changing for the better" you replied.

"Okay" he said clenching his fists.

Both of you just walked around the mall where the theater was. He seemed a bit upset still about the whole situation but you knew it would be better. You both began to walk down an ally when a few guys grabbed Toby out of nowhere. They were stronger than you expected. When you saw clearly it was the same guys from the theater and they had somehow escaped. You went up to the guys and tried to fight them but they just got you and knocked you out as well.

When you woke up you where in the same small shack only Toby was tied in a chair next to you. He looked sorrow.

But wait. There was a third person. You thought to yourself.
You saw Ben walk out holding Jeff's hand and Tim was behind them.

"I'm sorry but Toby's dangerous" he said.

"Oh shut the fuck up Tim you dated Jeff. You were never actually with him" Toby said staring at the ground.

A sudden realization ran through you. He said his parents got killed but lived with his dad? You wanted to face palm but you couldn't.

"Ben's the reason he left you Tim" Toby said.

"I know" Tim replied.

"Why'd you lie to me?" You asked.

Tim didn't say anything. He ran out the room and you tried to call him but Ben punched you.


"Oh you'll be dead long before that can happen" Jeff said as he broke out into his insane laughter. Jeff walked over to Toby and Ben walked to you. They turned your chairs so you both faced eachother.
Jeff pulled out his knife and began to cut off Toby's hair. You could see the anger in Toby's eyes. His hair was shorter now but not completely off. Then Jeff ran his knife against Toby's face from his forehead down to his collar bone. He created a deep cut. You felt a feeling you had never felt before form inside of you. It felt warm and cold at the same time.

"I love you" you said to Toby as you looked down at the ground. You knew you wouldn't be able to get out of this one. Toby stared at you. Something had changed in him. He tried to speak back but Jeff had stuck his knife into Toby's throat.

"NO" you screamed. They hadn't stabbed Toby in a vital place but they were gonna let him bleed out in front of you.

"I think I love you too" he said.

"Awe that's so sweet. Too bad one of you has to die" Jeff said walking away with Ben.

"Just talk to me and tell me I'm alright" Toby said. Insane? No there's another word. Insane couldn't describe what was happening in your life right now. Insane couldn't describe what you felt right now. Insane couldn't describe how you felt about Toby. Insane didn't describe Toby. Toby was much more than that. Toby. Toby was so much more and the way everyone around him that hurt him killed him.
I know most people wouldn't expect it to end like this and you're right because I'm just fuckin with you guys I hope you liked this chapter and there will be more chapters cx-LJ

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