Hopes of Love

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First, I am thankful for you reading and would appreciate it if you commented/voted for your favorite story/poem. I have other works too and if you have time I would love it if you checked them out. I know I'm not a great writer, I'm sorry for that, but thank you for all the things you have done. It means a lot to me.
Hugs and Kisses
~Anthonie Hart
Just to let you know.
You mean everything to me.
To prove it here are some facts.
It's 9:34 pm.
Monday August 17 2015.
In the morning I have to get up early.
But I don't care.
I can't talk to you right now.
So I'm making poems for you.
The first is named "The Note".
It took two hours to write.
It still doesn't clearly explain how I feel.
Nothing can.
Love is too short for how I feel.
The longest word is too short.
Nothing explains the love I have for you.
I'm never giving up.
But you can if you get tired.
It's ok, I won't hate you.
It's been 4 minutes.
I still haven't found the right words.
Frankly, I don't think I will.
I also don't think you'll give up.
You love me ALMOST as much as I love you.
I love you more.
I always will.
We'll have ups and downs.
But we'll get through it.
I know we will.
We have to.
Because I don't think I can love after you.
I don't want to.
I want to be with you forever.
But if you don't want to.
It's fine.
I understand.
You won't hurt me.
Nothing can.
Just how nothing can explain my love for you.
Such a simple word, yet it means a lot.
It explains it.
But leaves it a mystery at the same time.
It's been 5 minutes.
I'm wondering what to call this.
"Love Letter" doesn't cut it.
"Explain Love" seems too...
"Heart Break" doesn't fit.
"Lover Spat" has nothing to do with anything.
"Leaving Me" is too sad.  
"Entry Final" isn't ok.
"The Feelings of a Unfeeling Friend"...
No, good book title though.
It's been four minutes.
I'm stuck.
I love you.
I love your dumb songs.
Your stupidity.
Your dumb logic.
Your stupid smile
Your dumb walk.
In the end.
It's all adorable.
Because they make you.
They are you.
And I love you.
So I love them.
I love you.
Your family guy attitude.
Your cocky character.
Your laid back demeanor.
Your cool guy shell.
Your idiotic stories.
Your fancy mechanic words.
Your happy good luck vibe.
It's been 5 minutes.
I think I'll end.
It's 9:55 pm.
Same day.
Same love.
I love you.
I hope you understand.

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