Cold Heart

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Love does not exist.
Not in my heart.
It's cold and stale there.
It's a hollow shell.
The insides ripped out.
It beats slower now.
The shattered pieces,
They open old wounds.
They make them bleed,
Making it hurt all over again.
He hurt me.
I cannot be repaired.
But you are trying.
Trying to fix my heart.
Trying to banish the pain.
Trying to stop the bleeding.
Trying to stitch my wounds.
Trying to put the pieces together.
Trying to make it beat normally.
Trying to replace the insides.
Trying to make it whole again.
Trying to make me love again.
You try to make my heart love.
Turning it into a wonderful place.
It's no longer cold.
It's warm because of you.
It's no longer stale.
It's fresh.
You are fixing me.
Little by little,
Piece by piece,
You are trying.
Thank you for trying.
No one else cares.
But you do.
Thank you.

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