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Piper gives great speeches.

Piper's speeches are magnificent.

Piper has learnt how to wield the English language to do her bidding, to be her strength in a world where every other attribute she has to offer is considered a weakness against her. She has been nothing but gracious and humble since getting back home after a year away in Africa, suppressing her true rage at having so many people doubt and underestimate her power and everything else that she is capable of. But, now her saving grace has come through for her, the ascent has begun, she's here and it's happening-the persona can be put to rest, and it begins with this speech, so much more important than all of the others.

"Ladies and Gentlemen. The people of Britain! For the past twenty years, we have allowed those in power to decide our fates under the illusion that this new age is better than our last one. We have allowed these people-these monsters-to eradicate British history from our lives to make us all obedient. That time is over. It was their desire to govern over Britain to give us a better future compared to our past, but the only products of their government are higher rates of poverty, working class a stand in for the new poor, and a larger divide between the 1%'s wealth compared to people like us.

"Twenty years ago, the people that you elected into power, promised to lead this country into a better economic future. Yet, they have nothing to show for it but more scandals with the banks and paying out to countries overseas instead of dealing with the national debt. For millions of us, the social hopes have been destroyed as we accommodate our desires to this new regime; thus resulting in low incomes and low morale.

"What more could have been destroyed? The worst thing, the thing that has shattered our faith in the government working to our best interests-is the elimination of confidence for us to do better with our lives. We have become trapped within this vicious cycle of do everything for this country, but get nothing in return.

"I began with five other people within my inner circle years ago, at the peak of the government failure. And here today, I am expanding my dreams for a better Britain with all of you. There are millions of you-of us, and I hope that all of you realise your potential, the importance of your existence, the ability to demand for change which I will deliver. The future lies in the joint struggle and joint success of us all. We form a community of people who are prepared to fight for the preservation of ourselves. A community that does not exclude on race, gender, religion or wealth, but one that fights against our common enemy: anyone who is unwilling to embrace our heritage, what we deserve as a nation.

"We are no longer fighting the people taking positions of power. We are now fighting for us as individuals, to share a common destiny and make a better life in a fairer new age. If our work is successful, then we can return this great country to a Great Britain."


It takes three days for Piper's new offices to be ready for not only her arrival, but the employees she is bringing with her. The new location is firmly in the centre of the financial district, with her own office-much bigger than her old one-having a spectacular view of the city, an entire wall dedicated to panel windows. This is where Bridget finds her, a week after Piper has so graciously accepted her position as Prime Minister, having officially moved into 10 Downing Street, but still spending nights at her flat with Finn, recently partaking in a TV interview about her first order of business: balancing the books.

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