The day my life changed forever.

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I can never stop thinking about it. This horrifying moment changed my life forever. It keeps replaying in my head and it never ever ever stops.

This all took place in Houston Texas where i used to live. I never had much family over there and i never made many friends. I was a very lonely kid growing up. Being an only child wasn't very fun i never had anyone to play with. My parents were very loving people. They loved me a lot. well, at least i thought they did. Just until that one day that changed my perspective in live completely. I had a good day at school that day 7th grade wasn't too hard for me. That year i usually rode the bus home but that day for some strange reason my parents picked me up. They even picked me up 1 hour earlier than when school ended. I remember getting in the car and my parents being quite. I asked them what was wrong and all they did was smirk at each other and say " nothing sweetie today is just a good day for us. we are releasing lost of stress off our shoulders today" I remember being confused but kind of knowing what they were talking about because i would always hear them fighting about our financial problems. I don't think they knew i knew about it though. My dad was driving and my mom was on her phone as usual. she was never that social, she always had her eyes on her phone or computer. I remember my dad pulling into the gas station and asking me if i wanted something from there i said no thanks but he insisted on me going down. my parents and i get down from the car and we all three walked to the doors. when we got in there my mom told me to go get a drink and as i was told i went by the drinks to find the one i want. it took me a while to find one i'm very picky with what i eat and drink. As i finally get my drink i walked up to the cash register to see if my parents were there and they were no where to be found. i got a little worried but thought they were probably getting more snacks. i look through every isle but still cant seem to find them. "mom! dad? where are you?" i call through out the store. "mom! mom" still no response. My palms start getting sweaty and i can feel my face turning red. i rush to the door to see if i see them and i see my dads car pass a red light a speed down the street. i immediately drop to the ground not knowing what to think. tears start dropping down my face as i scream "come back! mom you forgot me! come back!!" the store manger and some employees rush to the front to see what happened. from that moment on my life was never the same.

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