The guy.

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I remember waking up with drool running down my mouth. I slept good that night. Not having to think about anything or anyone felt good! I get up from bed and fix my hair and brush my teeth before i go down stairs. Neither ally or luna were in the room. I walk down stairs and everyone is cleaning and running around.
Said Mrs ashlynn.
"20 minutes for what?" I ask. Everyone stares at each other confused.
"She doesn't know Mrs ashylnn?" Asked an orphan named jessy.
"Sidney.. Can i please have a word with you in the kitchen please?" Said Mrs. Ashlynn.
"Okay.." I said confused. I didnt know what to expect. What dont i know? Is it a good thing? A bad thing? Ughh.
"Okay honey so.. Do you know how an orphanage works?" she asked.
"Yes, kids that dont have family stay here." I answered back.
"Correct.. But in order to stay here... They have to be signed as in orphan.. Which means they are up for adoption and are able to get adopted." She said
"What are you trying to say?!" I asked.
"Basically we have a very nice couple that are interested in adopting you. They are very loving and caring. They will be here soon and they are just gonna ask you some questions." Mrs. Ashlynn said.
"WAIT WHAT.. ARE YOU SERIOUS?? I COME HER FOR A COUPLES DAYS AND YOU PUT ME UP FOR ADOPTION?!!! MY PARENTS ARE COMING BACK! THEY ARE I DONT CARE WHAT YOU ALL SAY! THEY ARE COMING BACK!" I yell. I think the whole entire neighborhood heard me honestly. I run to my room and slam the door. I remember sitting on the bed crying my eyes out. How will i make the stop? I have to. I am not going to go home with a stranger i met for 2 hours. I looked around the room to see what i can do. I think and think and think and still no idea. "A WINDOW!" I say covering my mouth as I remember there are people next door. I walk to the window besides luna's bed and open it enough where i will fit. I put one foot on the bed and the other on the window seel. One leg is out the window and the second one....AND IM OUT. I look back into the room and thought to my self "wow i really just did that" i heard someone come so i jump down from the window which was only a couple feet. I run by the side of the orphanage to see where it leads and I found a sidewalk. I run and run and run down blocks and blocks down the street. There are many cars watching me confused. I keep running and I finally stop because im out of breath. I stop and put my hands on my knees and try and catch my breath. I start walking slowly just to see where i was. There was lots of traffic and people and stores. It was nice.
"Hey you! Where are you headed to?" I hear a man say. I turn my head and there is a car right next to the sidewalk trying to talk to me. I walk faster trying to get away from him. He kept following me and saying. "Hey!! Im just trying to help you seem lost! Hello??" I turn to the car and say "look i do not need anyones help! Im sick of people trying to help and making it worse! Leave me alone!" He looked at me and just stared. He parks his car snd opens his door. Once i saw his door open i ran! So fast! I couldnt feel my legs i kept running and started turning corners to try and lose him. I turn my head to see where he is and he is running after me! I didnt know what to think after that i kept running and I couldn't breathe anymore. I had to stop. I tried to run again but failed. I didnt want him to catch me. I kept walking as fast as i can and tried not to pay any attention to him. I walked into
A gas station down the road and his through the isles. "I think i lost him" i said to my self. I walked out the gas station and kept walking slowly. I walked about 10 blocks that day. I felt like i lost 10 pounds. I stop for a second to catch my breath from all that running i had to do. "What a day" i said. "I hope this day passes fas-" "GOTCHA" someone yells next to my ear. I felt tight hands against my arms and i turn my head to see who it was and it was the guys! I start screaming as loud as i can but he covered my mouth and threw me in his back seat! I start crying and screaming and kicking as he zoomed off in his car laughing historically.

Thank you all for reading this chapter! I hope it makes up for the last one. Hah hope you liked the cliffhanger and hopefully next chapter will be even better!

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