Chapter 1: My Field Trip (Part 1)

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It all started when I had a field trip in a Science Discovery Center. We were waiting at the lobby of the Silter City SDC, sitting down on lines of sixteen (for our section) with six more sections with us on the floor. Can you believe more than 200 people fit in a lobby?! Anyway, my name is Lans Somerson, I am an 8th grade student, (to make it sound dramatic) here is my story.

“Section Carbon!” the tour guide called out and we stood up, leaving the other sections behind. We crossed a gate with a person on each side. The one on the right was a man smiling while pressing his counter.

The entrance was a bridge where the whole view is like a vortex where time traveling is happening… just the fact that it wasn’t. I tilted to the right, following the rotation’s direction, and quickly held on the safety bar on the edge of the metallic bridge.

Then, they were out and saw an exhibit on Dinosaurs.  I was the last to come out, that’s how we, shy people, role.

In the middle was a very large replica of a T-Rex’s skeleton, standing on sand. I tried to touch it, but I thought of those invisible laser beams where if you touch it, a loud roar from a siren will activate. I should really stop watching spy movies.

Back to story, after our short lecture on dinosaurs… -. Okay, I admit, I wasn’t listening. I was busy listening to a remix my favorite DJ made. I wanted to dance that time, but that would be embarrassing.

We left, and went to the exhibit dedicated to the Solar System.

The exhibit was inside a dome. The place was like an observatory! A fake whiteboard was painted on the wall and it contained facts about the sun, Everyone ran in different places. I went to the center and there was a table. I looked at its contents. It was modules for each planet. Then a man dressed in a lab coat entered.

“Children, please sit down. I’m going to teach you guys stuff about the solar system.”

“Dude! I’m fourteen!” I thought.

He grabbed a remote from his pocket and turned on a projector. He stood there, beside his laptop, and started explaining.

I plugged back in my earphones and listened to the remix I was listening to a while ago. Now I’m staring at anything I find interesting… now I’m staring at my crush. (tsk tsk, Lans. Tsk tsk.) She caught me and waved “Hello.” I waved back of course. I know she doesn’t like me, she likes this 10th grader.

The lecture ended after a minute and we were given a few more minutes to look around. I climbed up a flight of stairs to see a giant telescope. I look through it and only saw the ceiling of the dome. I didn’t notice the “scientist” press a button. The roof was divided to half and moved to its sides. I saw a lot of stars and constellations painted on the ceiling of the Science Discovery Center.

“There, son, is the Little Dipper,” he called and pointed to one of the blinking constellations made out of tiny LED lights.

My crush suddenly went up the flight of stairs and came near me. We both looked up, staring at the stars. She put her fingers together with mine’s, and we’re holding hands.

“Okay, Section Carbon! Let’s go to the next exhibit, Anatomy!” the “troll” tour guide announced with his deep, British accent.

I escorted her going down the stairs and we let go of each other.

The next section, Helium, was inside.

We got out of the dome and we saw the Anatomy exhibit. Some of the exhibits were “Is Hypnotism Real?”, “Figures of the Different Systems of the Body”, “Touch Your Brain”, etc. (and because I’m lazy enough to write all). I tried the hypnotism thingy and it only showed two eyeballs turning into one of those spiral hypnotism tricks. Didn’t work. Then it explained some things about hypnotism and how pathetic swinging clocks was. But, hypnotism is real. It has something to do with the brain and- ugh, complicated stuff. I left the booth.

Then things went crazy.

I started to get dizzy like the whole place was tilting to the right over and over again. I stumbled to the ground and my view starts do blacken. I rub my eyes and my view was starting to come back. But there’s something weird that happened. Instead of the Science Discovery Center, I saw something I have encountered in the past. I was in a flashback.

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