Mingyu bullied/happy ending

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You and Mingyu go to the same school but there was one thing that you hated about that school. Most of the girls at school bullied you, they bullied you for many things because they thought you were ugly, because they thought you were fat, and because Mingyu was your boyfriend. Mingyu was the Kinga at the school which met that he was popular and you were just a girl who was not social which made you a out cast.
Skipping ahead your POV
You woke up this morning to you alarm clock singing to you Infinite - Bad, you slowly turn off you alarm clock not wanting to get out of bed but then you remember it was Friday and you and Mingyu had decided to go on a date today after school. But you didn't want to go to school, you were happy about going on a date with Mingyu but you didn't want to get bullied.
While thinking about school you got out of bed and went straight to your washroom, you washed your face and brushed your teeth. You then put on your school uniform and put on some light brown eye shadow on your eyelids and a light pink lip gloss on your lips. You then check your phone, Mingyu had texted you he said "Good morning hope you slept well" you smiled looking at your phone, you then reply "yeah I did oppa thanks for asking, did you sleep well?" You texted while walking down the stairs to get your breakfast "I did sleep well because I knew we have a date today" you could tell that he was excited for you date. "I'm excited for our date oppa" "hey lets walk to school together and I'm glad your excited" you couldn't stop smiling and you got caught by your mom. "Sweetie why are you smiling so much
this morning?" You looked at your mom while still smiling "because I have a date with Mingyu today" your mon looked at you and smiled "well have fun but don't have to much fun" you laughed "I won't mom, I got go I don't want to be late for school" you kissed your mom bye and garb your bag and headed out your front door.
As you were walking off you front porch you see Mingyu walking to your house, you run up to him and hug him tightly saying "Good morning oppa" he smiled while hugging you back "morning Babe".
"I hope today goes by fast I just want to hurry up and have my date with you Oppa" you smirked while saying this
"I hope it does to I don't want to see Mr.Lee he is the rudest teacher I have" Mingyu said it in a annoyed tone. You giggled a bit because you knew it was true Mr.Lee is the rudest teacher.
"Well we can only wait and see" you say while looking at him.
Skipping ahead your POV in school
You and Mingyu said your goodbyes because sadly this year you both only had two classes together and the two classes had to be at the end of the day so you and Mingyu don't really see each other in school only when it's lunch time and the two classes you both were in.
You were walking down the hallway and you could hear people calling you names like "fatty your taking up all the space" , "oh my gosh how can someone be so ugly". You keep your head down and keep walking to your class when you got in the class everyone was doing their own thing so you just sat at the back of the class by yourself as unusual. The teacher came in gave the class work and that was it, that class ended so quick. You walked out the class to go to your other class but then you felt someone pull you into a class room.
You look at who it was and it was the main bully who never fails to bully you, her name was Bella, she hated you because she really likes Mingyu and she asked Mingyu out a million of times but he choose you instead of Bella. You wait for Bella to speak, to say what ever she wants, because when it comes to her you could not stop her for verbally bulling you, you tried many times and fail so you just let her say whatever she wants and then you can go.
"So you still dating Mingyu huhh" you just nodded in reply, you don't dare speak around her.
"Haven't I told you to stay away from him, he is suppose to be with me not you" and with that she slapped you across the face. You didn't know what to do because even if she was a bully she only verbally bullied you, this is the first time she made contact with you skin. You stood there frozen with shock while holding you cheek.
"WHY CAN'T YOU GET THOUGH YOUR MIND THAT YOUR NOT MADE FOR MINGYU I AM , IM SUPPOSE TO BE WITH HIM NOT YOU, SO WHY DON'T YOU JUST GET LOST" you looked at the ground not wanting to say anything to her but then you heard a deep voice.
"Don't talk to my girlfriend like that" it was Mingyu you were glad he was here because you felt like she would have hurt you more both physical and verbal.
"Mingyu Oppa she is not made for you I am why can't you see it, I really like you" Mingyu looked at her with disgust in his face.
"I would never date you because your a bully, you bully people for no reason" Mingyu said it in a angry tone because Mingyu takes bulling seriously because he thinks its wrong to hurt people who had never did anything to you and just in general he is against bulling.
"I can change, I won't bully people just give me a chance" Bella sounded very desperate.
"I'm sorry but I don't want you, and you better stop bulling my girlfriend and the other people your bulling before I tell the principal on you" Mingyu said it firm and straight to Bella. Bella just looked at Mingyu and just nodded before leaving the class you guys were in. Mingyu then walks up to you and takes your hand in his.
"Are you okay did she hurt you" you nodded your head slowly remembering that Bella had slapped you.
"Where did she hurt you" Mingyu sound concerned.
"She slapped me across the face" you said in a very faint voice. Mingyu caressed you cheeks while giving them little pecks here and there. You smiled a bit when he did that.
"Do you feel a bit better now" you smiled while nodding your head.
"How about we skip the rest of our classes and go on our date" you looked at him like he was crazy, it was still morning lunch time didn't ever come yet.
"Mingyu it's still morning, we have like five classes left" Mingyu smiled and took your hand.
"So it's Friday and just this one day" Mingyu looked at you cutely you couldn't say no, so of course you said yes.
You and Mingyu went the amusement park near by and went on the carousel, Mingyu won you three stuff animals. You guys were having so much fun but the day have to come to a end. Mingyu walked you home and gave you a little peck on the cheek and a tight hug before you went into your house.
The next week you went to school all the bulling stopped no one said anything when you walked in the halls, you didn't need to walk with you head down anymore, you can walk with your head held high. Your bulling stopped all thanks to you boyfriend Mingyu.
Hoped you enjoyed my Mingyu imagine I was going to write about S.Coups but I felt like writing about Mingyu. And remember request I take them and I make them into a story for you. And sorry if there is any spelling mistakes. And sorry everything is like squeezed together I don't know what happened I tried to fix it but it just won't fix.

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