Vernon Fluffy Kinda/Cute

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you and Vernon have been together for as long as the boys of seventeen put you both together. you were seventeen stylist before you started dating Vernon but now that you have been dating Vernon you became seventeens manger. today was seventeens day off which meant it was your day off too. you and Vernon decided to spend some time together.

Skipping Ahead Your POV

you invited Vernon over to your house since he lived in a dorm with the other seventeen members. it was around 12pm so you decide to make lunch for the both of you. you didn't want to make a lot of food, all you made was two simple BLTs but you knew Vernon loved the way you would make them for him. you take out a cola from the Frigidaire and place it beside the BLT on the some what small coffee table you had. right when you sat the cola down you heard a knock from the door and you knew who it was so you were so a small smile spread across your face. you fast walked over to the door and open the door to see a smiling Vernon. you smile wider and hug him, he hugs you back snuggling his face into the crook of your neck. you pull back grabbing Vernons hand an pulling him into your house.

"i didn't know if you had lunch or not but I made you a BLT" you say sitting at the table where the BLTs were. Vernon sits across from you and looks at the BLT with his mouth hanged open. he snapped back into his thought and looked at you.

"no, I didn't have lunch thanks for making me lunch Jagi" he say grabbing your hand an placing a small kiss on the top of your hand. you face started to blush, even if it was a small little thing he did it made your heart flutter.

"i know your hungry so lets eat" you say looking at your BLT because you were hungry. Vernon giggled which made you look up at him. he was looking at you with his sweet eyes. you give him a small smile before picking up your BLT and taking a bit out of it. Vernon gave you a teethy smile.

"so cute" he says rubbing your cheek with one of his hands before taking his BLT into his mouth. you looked down at your BLT trying to hold back your pink face. Vernon just smiled at you, while you both were eating you both talked about seventeen and what their secudule. when you both were done eating you both go on the sofa to watch some TV. you turn on the TV to music bank and to both of your surprise seventeen was on. when Vernon part came on you saw how cool your boyfriend was. but to you really didn't care if he was famous or not. All you cared about was he personality and if he cared and loved you. Vernon gave you a quick peck on your cheek because he can see that you were in thought.

"what you thinking about Jagi" he says turning off the TV turning his body towards you so he can look at you. you turn towards him as well and look up at him.

"do you love me?" you ask out of the blue. you really don't know why your asking this question but you did it anyways. Vernon looked at you and smiled at you.

"i don't know why your asking me this question because I think you know the answer" Vernon said looking sweetly into your eyes. you have no idea why but you just feel like hugging him close to you and not letting go of him. you knew his answer, you knew he was going to say yes but why yes.

"i know your going to say yes but why do you love me?" you say looking at Vernons hands not wanting to looking into his puppy eyes. Vernon saw that you were trying to avoid his eye contact so he took one of his hands and pulling your chin up so that you were looking at him. you blush at the sight of Vernons smiling face in front of you. you still don't look into his eyes you point your eyes still at his hands, Vernon saw that and to get your attention he gave you a long loving kiss on your soft plump pink lips. you were taking back for a moment but soon gave into his sweet kiss. you pulled away from him now looking at your hands with you rose red face facing down. you could feel Vernon smiling and you knew he was going to lift your chin up again ,you just lifted your head up and looked him into his small but large eyes. Vernon took your hands in his and intertwined your figures together.

"you know why I love you?" he asked it like it was a question to you. you nodded your head no. Vernon just gave you a quick smirk before talking.

"i love you because your the perfect girl to me. you may not be the best in singing or dancing but your the best in making me feel loved and cared about. your the best at making me feel like I need no one else in the world. your the best at making me feel at home when I feel jetlag. your the best at comforting me when I'm down. you the best at making sure I'm healthy. your the best at making me laugh. your the best at making me happy. and of course your the best at showing me you love me. This is why I love you and I will always love you" Vernon says looking straight into you chocolate like brown eyes. You didn't know what to say so like you said you hugged him tight like there was no tomorrow and you let out a few tears knowing how much he loved you.

"thank you Oppa for loving me, I never knew you liked so many things about" you say pulling away from the hug wiping a few tears off your face. Vernon just smiled at you and placed a small kiss on your forehead.

"i like so many more things about you" Vernon says smiled with his cute eyes smile that makes your heart warm. you felt your whole face getting pink but you still looked at Vernon smiling at his cuteness.

"I'm glad you love me just the way I love you and I will always love you no matter what. AND always remember I will always be your number one fan and cheerleader" you say doing some hand gestures. Vernon giggles at your cuteness.

"well I'm sorry to ruin our cute moment right now but Seungkwan just texted me and asked me and you to go hangout with the rest of seventeen" said Vernon looking at his phone in his hand before looking up at you. You nodded a yes before getting up from the sofa with Vernons hand in your bring him out the front door.

"Seungkwan said to go to the small café near our dorm" Vernon says smiling at you. you again gave a nod before walking to the café with Vernon making you laugh along the way there. why you guys made it to the café you saw that the seventeen boys were sitting outside with their iced coffees and two for you and Vernon. You both smile and run to seventeen. they all smile at you guys. all you guys did for the rest of the day was talk and laugh at the small café. you all spent about 4 or 5 hours there. after that Vernon told you to come over to their dorm to sleep over and of course you couldn't say no to him so you should yes.

When you made it to the dorm you all started to play video games. You were versing Vernon in Mario Cart guess who won............YOU DID, you were always better in video games then Vernon even if you didn't like playing them you were still good at playing them.

"there you go there is another thing I love about you, Your the best in video games" he says smiling cutely at you. You smiled back at him and just at that moment you hear Hoshi yelling at the TV screen saying.

"NO I CANT LOSE I HAVE TO WIN, WHY,WHY, WHY , I WANT TO WIN" Hoshi says jumping up an down. you just giggle at his childness. The whole seventeen dorm was loud like this for another 2 or 3 hours before it was time to sleep. you see Wonwoo and Mingyu cuddle up on the sofa sleeping you smiled to yourself mumbling.
"they are a true couple, shipping meanie" you say walking into Vernons room to see that he was already asleep. not to wake him up you climb into the bed very carefully trying not to wake him up. when you were finally laying down you felt Vernon wrap his arms around you whispering.

"I will always love no matter what"


Hopefully you liked my Vernon Fluffy kinda/Cute imagine. sorry if there was any spelling mistakes and request I take them so please send them in. and a HUGE THANK YOU TO ALL OF YOU READING MY IMAGINES I HIT 6K THANKS TO YOU ALL PLEASE KEEP READING MY SEVENTEEN IMAGINES AND KEEP SUPPORTING SEVENTEEN FIGHTINGGGG.

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