Dino happy part 1

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You and Dino have been together for 2 years. Today was you and Dino's vacation to Cuba. You both really wanted to get away from rush hour, traffic and of course your work, you decided on going to Cuba because its a beautiful country and it has the most wonderful whether.

Skipping ahead your POV

You were in your room, while Dino was still packing his suitcase. You guys had to leave in the next 30minutes, you flight is at 5:30am, the current time is 3:30am you guys wanted to be a hour an a hour early to make sure you don't miss your flight. You were done packing your suitcase, you went to go help Dino so you guys could leave faster an get to the airport.

"Oppa let me help you" you say as you walk across the room to Dino.
"It's okay I'm finish, I just have to lock it" he said while getting up to get the suitcase lock.
"Alright I'll go bring down my suitcase then" you say as you walk back to your suitcase.

"No ill bring it down, there stairs an I don't want you to hurt yourself" Dino said when he was finish locking his suitcase, he walked over to you and took your suitcase an brought it down the stairs without tripping. You were going to get his suitcase so you could bring it down but he came up so fast an took the suitcase out your hands.

"Thank you, but like I said I don't want you to get hurt" he said this while walking out your room door. You just smile at him an nodded your head very slightly. You get your purse and put you and Dino's passports into it. You headed out your room door closing it behind you. You jogged down the stairs to see Dino now putting your suitcases into the car. You smile to yourself knowing you have sure a wonderful Oppa. You decide to help him out by rolling the next suitcase out to the car. Dino smiles at you "thank you Jagi" he say while taking the suitcase an putting it into the car, "your welcome, I think there nothing were missing so ill go lock the door" you say as you look at Dino for an answer he just nodded his head. You walk up to the front door an lock it.

"Goodbye house see you in two weeks" you says as you pat the door knob. You turn around an see Dino waiting for you with your car door open for you. You smile fast walking to the car not wanting him to wait any longer. Dino closed your door when you got in the car, he went on the drivers side and backed out your drive way and headed to the airport.

"Jagi you can sleep, I know you didn't get a lot of sleep because of packing you and my suitcase, you were up much early then me, sleep I want you to" Dino said looking back and forth from the road to you.

"Oppa it's okay " you say as you put your hand on his shoulder.

"No, I want you to sleep, it's unhealthily if you don't get the right amount of sleeping time" Dino said as he gave you a blanket that was in the back seat when he came to a red light.

"Okay your right ill sleep, wake me up when were at the airport" you say taking the blanket an wrapping it around your body.

"Alright now sleep we have a hour to the airport an 30minutes to check in an do all that stuff so we can get to Cuba" Dino said as he smiled as he said Cuba. Dino waited for your answer for about a minute, he looked over to your side an saw that you were fast asleep. Dino pulls up you blanket to cover your shoulders, he smiled to himself once again before he started to drive again to the airport.

Hopefully you like my Dino image part 1, part 2 will go up sometime this week. Sorry for any spelling mistakes. Remember I take request so message me if you want a request.

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