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We all love it. It's so amazingly delicious it has to be a crime. But you can't always eat it because it's "not healthy".

See, here's the thing. Junk food is not healthy, and for most people, let's just say it's not such a flattering accessory. But then there are some people who can eat a whole bag of cheese doodles and still look amazing. This doesn't really bother me that much because I don't care what people look like. As cliché as this sounds, the only thing I care about is a person's personality. All the rest are just minor details. But I know it does bother some people-not me.

The thing I don't like about junk food is it's addictive ness. You tell yourself that you'll only have one Cheeto. But of course that is NOT the case. Then you eat that one Cheeto and realize that it went so quick. So you tell yourself "Just one more. Only ONE." Of course that does g happen either, so in 10 minutes, the whole bag is gone and you realize you gave into the Cheetos.

That's their goal. To make it so dangerously addicting to the point where you eat the whole bag so quick and before you know it you're at the store buying another bag. It's like they are TRYING to make you fat.

Like what was the reason for the law that cuts down the sizes of sugary drinks because of obesity if you're just going to eat enough Cheetos to make up for it.

Don't get me wrong, I love junk food, especially my puffy Cheetos in case you haven't noticed. But sometimes it's just way too much as then you become some Cheetos-obsessed FREAK. Just hoarding them in the secret parts of you pantry so nobody can steal them and then they are all over your house.

Okay, I might be going a little extreme, but I think you get my point. Dang, I just finished my bag of Cheese Doodles. I gotta go find my other bag because it was only halfway when I started this one, right? Whatever, now here is it-oooohh, ice cream. ❤️ ~Liz

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