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Please excuse all typos, I having a hard time typing right now because my phone is messed up along with me.

So let's start off with the one everybody hates:commercials.

So everybody hates commercials because it's a bunch of kin sense that interrupts your TV time and favorite TV shows. And sometimes they leave you with a cliffhanger too. It's so annoying!!! But then there are also those times when you've been watching a marathon of your favorite show and now the season premiere is finally on after a long, excruciating year and you of course have to go to the bathroom. You wait till the commercial comes on and it's suddenly your savior. You don't have to miss anything except a talking gecko and maybe even a talking camel if it's Wednesday. Then your show is finally back and your all happy again because your show is finally back every week.

Now let's get to the complicated stuff: your favorite tv series. So here you are, watching the season finale for what feels like 10 minutes and something just happened to your favorite character. Then the TV blanks and the weird voice comes on talking about how the show will come back next year and you start freaking because you realize it's actually been an hour and you don't know what happened to your favorite character. THE WORST. I understand they want people to come back for next season to see what happens to that character, but that's just a cruel thing to do to half of America! Seriously?! You're going to actually do that to me??!!! Is this for real?! Let me go cry by myself about how upset I am over how the best tv character ever could be dead. Goodbye. And that's how people feel. Some people (me) just sit in bed on wattpad, Instagram, or with their head in a book all day and wait every week for their favorite show and THIS is what you do them?! That's just cruel.

And yeah. That's it. I just needed to get that out because this may have happened two months ago and the Halloween special came on and told me nothing so.......this happened.

Anyways, Happy Halloween, eat tons of candy, and give me all your leftover candy!!!!! Luv u all!!! ~Lizzie ❤️❤️❤️

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