Fairy sketch

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Just a quick sketch of a fairy that I based off my mothers drawing. Well, she's really a dragonfly, but looks like a fairy. ;)

You see my mom isn't really a drawer... So she asked me one day if she could draw with me. I told her yes, and when she finished, she showed me a picture of a girl that was a dragon fly. She was very pretty, cause my mother likes dragon flies ^_^

So then I told her, "wow, that's nice mom." And she just smiled and handed me the pic, and was like,

"Well, not as well as you could do."

Like that motherly voice. And she began to walk out of the room, then pointed to the picture she drew.

"It's for you to hold on to."

And so a few months later, I found the drawing again in my drawing drawer. So I decided to draw it out in my version. When I was done, I walked up to her with my picture and hers in hand, then held them up to her. I asked her,

"Remember that drawing you made a while back?" She told me yea, but also had a curious type smile. And when I showed her both drawings, she was so happy, and surprised. She had the biggest smile. She's always been a fan of my art.... And so I handed her the picture, and told her,

"It's for you to hold on to."

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