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So I got tagged by coralclover lol. I've never been tagged but I'll answer these questions for you all. 😋😋

1. Yes I do like someone. Ummm.... But he's kinda distant from me. ^^ but he's cute and he likes me too.

2. Yes! XD thank goodness. We've been friends for a while and it just kinda came to well.... A tiny relationship lol. Not to mention he's millions of miles away from me! XP

3. Okay, I have two middle names. One from my moms side, the other from my dads side. I'm names after both my grandmothers. But I'll tell ya they start with a "c" and a "k". All I'm gonna say.

4. I'm basically taken.

5. Firegod!!! (Best friend on kik, best friend made from an online phone game)

6. Downtown, Maclamore

7. 100% lol! My phone is on my charger. XD

8. Girl best friend: my twin sister

9.  Guy best friend: Firegod (Edvin) XP

10. I don't really have an OTP lol. But I guess it would actually have to be Yato-Kami and Iki Hiyori from Noragami. <3

11. The reason I made an account is cause I was on Pinterest one day, and there was a story posted on my home page that was from this app. And I tried to read it but it said I needed an account, so originally I just made my account to read that story I wanted to read. But then I got caught in the swing of things and now this account is one of my hobbies! ^^

12. My current lock screen is Henri Alexander. Lol. A picture my sis drew for me.

13. DECEMBER 17!! It's in literally two weeks! I can't wait!!

My drawing journalNơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ