The Date/ Ross and Maia

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Hey guys! So I know I haven't updated for a while now and I am truly sorry. So anyways, I hope you guys like this chapter!

Ross's POV

What the hell do I wear for a date? This really hasn't been my first one, but, with a girl as beautiful as Maia I need to dress better and keep my game up.

Walking into my hotel room, I immediately took off my shirt and threw it on the ground, then, I walked into the bathroom and turned on the water. I took of my clothes then I went into the shower. That cold water felt so refreshing, I swear I have never sweated so much in my life like I did today at set. Who knew Puerto Rico would be so hot?

After a few minutes I went out the shower and took a towel off the hanger in front of me. I wrapped the towel around my waist, then, I went out the bathroom. I took my phone off my bed and looked at the time. It was 6:27, so I only had about 33 minutes to get ready before I go pick Maia up.

God. She is just so beautiful. I love the way her dark brown hair just flows and her body is just, wow. Really not wanting to go out to buy a new shirt or pants, I decided to look in my closet. I wore a pair of black jeans and a blue button down polo. Over that I slipped on my black blazer and I put on my dark blue converse.

I put on my R5 necklace and slipped on my R5 bands, then, I walked over to a nightstand and took the bottle of colonge that was on it. I sprayed myself with colonge then I put on some deodorant. No girl wants a guy to smell bad on a date.

Walking back over in the bathroom, I went inside and brushed my teeth, then, I combed my hair with the comb on the sink. After that I looked at myself in the mirror and I looked ok. I walked out the bathroom and picked up my phine that was still on the bed and I looked at the time. 6:56.

Time to go. I took one more quick glance at myself on the mirror, then, I ran out the hotel room locking the door behind me. I pressed on the elevator button to go down. After some seconds the doors opened and I went inside the elevator, quickly pressing the 1st floor button.

When the doors opened, I went out the elevator, then, I ran across the hall to the entrance. Maia was staying at a red trailer with the number 5 on it so I walked around outside looking for a red trailer with that number. I didn't have a car in Puerto Rico, so, I just decided that Maia and I would walk to the place. It wasn't a long walk anyways.

After I found the trailer, I knocked on the door and sdconds later it opened, revealing a stunning Maia. I observed her for a few seconds. Her hair was in a ponytail, she was wearing a tight black bandage dress along with some black heels. She looked hot.

She smiled and walked out her trailer closing the door behind her and she took my hand.

Maia- Hey

Ross- Hey. You look hot.

Maia-(blushes) You don't look bad yourself

Ross-(smirks) Well I try

Maia-(giggles) So where are we going?

Ross-To a restaurant not to far from here. We are walking though is that fine?

Maia-Yeah it's ok.

Ross-If have any problem walking in those heels I have no problem carrying you.(winks)

Maia-(blushes) Okay whatever.

We both walked over to the restaurant which only took minutes then, we both sat down at a table for two.
End of POV
(At the restaurant)

Ross-So what do you wanna eat?

Maia-(looks at menu)Just a chicken parmesan.

Ross-Ok cutie.

Maia-(looks at Ross and blushes)

Waiter-Hi what would you two like for today? Our specials are the chicken parmesan, the fettuccine alfreado, the chicken salad, and the steak.(looks at Ross and winks)

Maia-Sorry waiter he is mine. Why don't you get your own guy? Looks like you need it.(smirks)

Waiter-Well then. Rude much.

Maia-I can tell your boss to fire you bitch. So yeah, your ass can be out of here in seconds.(still smirking)

Waiter-(rolls her eyes)Now what would you guys like?

Ross-The lady would like a chicken parmesan and I would like the steak.

Waiter-And what beverage?

Ross-(looks at Maia) Wine is ok.

Waiter-I will be right back with your orders(leaves)

Ross-(looks at Maia) Yours, huh?(smirks) I knew you liked me but not all the way

Maia-Well now you know (blushes)

Ross-Yep. And by the way I like you too(winks)

Maia-Yeah ok

Waiter-Here are your orders (hands them their orders)


Waiter-(blushes and leaves)

Maia-(clears her throat)


Maia-Nothing just nothing...

They both start eating and talking.

(After dinner/ with Maia and Ross)

Ross-So did you like that date?

Maia-Yeah except for the part where you and the waiter flirted

Ross-So that's what bothered you. I guess it worked.

Maia-What worked?

Ross-(smirks) I only flirted with her to make you jealous. I guess it worked.

Maia-(blushes) Whatever

They arrive at Maia's trailer

Maia-So this is me.(looks at her trailer) I had fun

Ross-Me too

They both lean in and kiss. After a while they pull away.

Ross-(smiles) Bye

Maia-(smiles back) Bye see you tomorrow on set


Ross's POV

I went into my hotel room and took of my shoes and blazer. Wow. That date was awesome and that kiss was just as awesome. I threw myself on bed with those images of today's date with Maia replaying in my head. That kiss replayed about a million of times in my head. And before I knew it I feel asleep.

Hey again guys! I am still very happy I got to write.

I hope you guys liked that chapter and I will try to update again soon!


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