Chapter 11

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It was a new day in Beacon and Ozpin had called teams CVFY, SSSN, JNPR, CRDL, and RWBY into the auditorium.
He looked at the group of students then said " 25 will be given an assignment outside of the kingdom where there seems to be an over abundant amount grimm...reports show they resemble hyena's and lion's...reports say that they killed one of our best hunter be careful...or will be slaughtered...." the five groups got up and walked out rather confident about this mission as others had always went fairly well then Glynda questioned "Are you sure about this, Ozpin?" He then turned to her and responded "yes I am....I am highly confident in their abilities as hunters and huntresses." he then smiled and kissed her cheek "come now," he said happily "we have a game to finish, darling." Glynda then shook her head with a small smile and followed him.

Some hours later Insanity made his way into the school "hehehehe just a bit longer..." he walked up the stairs to where Glynda and Ozpin were and inside the room the couple were in a passionate kissing session "mmm~" she moaned slightly against his lips then they heard a knock and she pulled away immediately at the sound and flushed immensely Ozpin then cleared his throat "come in" he said. Insanity did just that with his god awful insane smile and the black box then sat in front of his desk ".....can I help you?" He asked then Insanity said ".......I wanna give you both a parting gift" Glynda then asked "parting gift?"
"Hehe yeah its part here...there...and way over there...staining the walls!!" Glynda immediately got her whip and and forced back making him hit a wall and cracking it "......hehehehehehehehahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahaHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA!!!!" He opened a box revealing a, what seemed at first.glance, small maroon rectangle but a handle on the back of it flung out with a trigger and the barrel extended out. "...bye" he shot at them and the shot were shotgun rounds at semi automatic speeds but they kept dodged the shots "DAMN IT!!" He yelled as he pushed the handle back making the trigger clip back and six semi-cirlce blades flung out and expanded a bit and knife blades came out of them "HAHAHA!!"(its an aa-12 with a mace just in case ya don't get it) he ran to Glynda and clashed with her Ozpin came in but was kicked off then Glynda forced him off, making him grunt. He then put the weapon in its gun form and shot at her legs making her go down with a small yell "GLYNDA!!!" Yelled Ozpin who immediately got up and punched Insanity making him yell "OH SON OF A BITCH!!" He then out the weapon in its mace form "SUCK IT, OLD MAN!!!" He stabbed Ozpin in the stomach then the trigger flung out and he pulled it to shoot at him repeatedly "" he walked over to Glynda and Ozpin barely grunted "Don't you.....touch.....her...." Insanity then looked at him "....boop" he then grabbed glynda by her mouth and she struggled against him he then grabbed her throat with his other hand and pulled on her head up "c'mon!!" In a few seconds her flesh tore and he ripped her head off and her spinal column went with it "ooohhhhhhhohoho thats nice..." he dropped her head as wide eyed and tried moving from his pool of blood "glyn....da..." was all he muttered before he laid his head down and closed his eyes and died."HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA!!!!! COUPLES DIE BEST!!!" He kept laughing as he put his weapon in the box and walked out of the school as his hyena ears twitch with delight and the blood of the couple began to mix with each others.

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