Chapter 14

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RWBY stood in the military base with concern for their friends all over their faces. As the silence grew more and more suspenseful Ironwood walked in and re-assured them that the other teams would succeed in the mission with no problem, but just when he said that, the screen that was in the room started to turn on and it slowly revealed Ian (Insanity's name) "okay...," he said "so I ask for RWBY and I get a bunch of weak...pathetic...broken...sad...teenagers...where do they get people like you, Ironwood?...oh!! By the way I wanna show ya something!!" Ian grabbed the scroll and walked out of his house showing all the military ships. " see those?...that's damn near your whole military..." Yang and Blake stood up and got slightly wide eyed when they saw it, then, on the screen, they saw Ian grab a trigger said "Know what it's gonna be when I pull this? That's right! DEAD!!!" He pulled it showing all the ships explode and he laughed at this then Yang spoke. "You piece of shit!!! We'll kill you!!!" Ian turned himself to the camera so he saw them and he said. "WELL?! YOU KNOW MY ADRESS!!!! COME AT ME BRO!!! SO YOU EITHER SHOW UP OR SOMETHING ELSE GETS BLOWN THE FUCK UP!!!!" He shut the screens down and shook his head as he went back in his base and went to his kitchen as he pulled on one of Velvets ears.

They all looked at the screen with hatred in their eyes. "We're going!!!" Yelled Yang as she put her hands in a fist and her aura flaring up. But Ironwood immediately interfered and told her "NO!!! THAT'S TO DANGEROUS FOR YOU!!!" Yang then punched him in the face, knocking him out, and she went to grab soldier. Weiss and Ruby saw her do this and Weiss responded with "....quite the girlfriend, Blake." In response to this Blake smiled, lovestruck and said "yeah~ she is~" (excuse blake being out of character there, it was better on my head) They all ran after Yang and she threw a the soldier in the main pilots seat then grabbed his junk unnecessarily hard and said, in a enraged tone "take us to his God damn base..." The soldier, in a high pitch tone, responded with. "Yes ma'am." she let go of him and he grunted as he started the ship and made it fly up and to the base.

In the mean time Ian was washing the blood off of his hands with a boiling pot next to him with a velvets hand sticking out and he pushed it back in the pot and stirred as his hyena ears twitched and folded back then perked back up, and his scroll was next to him as he spoke to Roman who exclaimed "wait wait wait!!! You mean to tell me even after all that, those fucking girls didn't get to you?!" Ian responded his question with. "Unfortunately so boss" Ian heard Roman grunting as he whacked Neo with his cane then walked back to his scroll. "Well you got essentially every other line of defense, so what could a couple stupid chicks do, eh?" Ian smiled and giggled a bit as he dried his hands then picked up his scroll. "I don't underestimate them, boss, they might be strong enough to where the Cinder-bitch might have four fuck-toys instead of just one and me killing the rest." Roman responded "oh is that right? And even then you think I wouldn't want one?" Ian smiled and said. "Well you can have the cat-girl, boss hehehe better for me to get a good laugh at it!!....y'know what I'll wrap her up with a bow on top just for you boss!! Cinder can go suck it and deal with a broken bone or two on little red" Roman laughed and told him "Well we'll keep the Schnee and big blonde tits for the boys at the whitefang!! Either way just get it done and I'll see you soon on that" said Roman with a ecstatic voice. "Got it!" Exclaimed Ian as he hung up. He went to his "throne" and sat down on it "so which girl are you gonna have, Anger?" He grunted and responded with (("I'm not like that.")) Ian then smiled and said, "Heh not what that looked like in chapter 9." Anger growled and said (("you know he apologized and said I just fatalitied her instead of raping her, dick for brains")) Ian chuckled at that and said "oh well as long as we get this fun shit done."

Sooner rather then later the team saw his base. "Get closer...." said Yang as she held the pilots shoulder. As they passed through the land before his base they saw all the debris of the ships and the blood and guts of the soldiers that were inside of the ships that never got to see the victory of taking Ian in prison and seeing him executed. At the sight of all this Weiss could only mutter " god...." Ruby looked over at her and held her shoulder and told the heiress. "....Weiss....we'll get him....and make him hurt...." Weiss looked over to Ruby with despair in her eyes however when she looked at Ruby she smiled and some hope returned to her. "Hmhm....thannls, you dunce." She went closer to her and stopped for a second then hugged Ruby tightly, Ruby wad in a state if surprise as this happened but she hugged back. "Awwww they finally hit it off!! Said Yang as she walked in and they float over the ground, this made Weiss blush and fluster and she pushed Ruby away. "No!!! Uh. She uh needed a hug and I was obliging her!!!" Yelled Weiss. "Hmhm...well....we're here." Said Blake as the sie doors opened. Yang hugged her and kissed all over her head and cheek. "See ya later tonight?~" Blake blushed lightly and said "sure~" only slightly timidly. (Once again, better in my head) They all stood at the edge and Weiss looked to Ruby and she said "...Don't disappoint me on this, dunce..." Ruby smiled and looked at her "pssssh when have I ever?" They giggled a bit and all jumped off with their in hand, locked and loaded and they ran in the building, which its main door was open, and as they ran the bit they needed to they saw him sitting on his "throne" and he smiler as he saw them "oooooohahahahahaHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA!!! YA FINALLY SHOW!!!!" They looked at him but before anything Blake asked "Who....who are you and why do this?!" He laughed as his ears fold down and he put his hat on, and got the bazooka bat and the six blades on his mace went in to the semi-circle ones and he double wielded them. " what made your life the shit....I mean, why do you think dear old mommy never came home?" Yang and Ruby went back shocked and confused "YOU'RE LYING!!!" Yelled Ruby. This made Ian smile as he hit a button and a panel on the ceiling opened...and a body dropped from it....Summer' was decayed filled with worms, maggots, flies and various other disgusting things, when it hit the ground her head popped off and rolled in front of the teams. Ruby got wide eyed in horror as she saw this as worm slid out one of the eye sockets "HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA!!! and here's the best part!!!" He hit a switch and all the teams fell down in nooses and there were snaps, however velvets wasn't there and he tossed her ears at them "heheheh she made an awesome rabbit stew...." he burped and her eye popped out and hopped down the stairs of his throne. Ruby yelled in agony as she ran and got Ian in her blade and threw him to a wall and when he went down to the ground he shook his head and looked up at her "oh crap..." he said as she ran to him. When sue did get to him she shot at him and sliced him around with crescent rose. He hit a wall and stood there against it weak and bloody, and as she ran to him he gripped his mace and smiled looking at her. "I'LL KILL YOUUUUUUU!!!!" Yelled Ruby, as she got closer he whispered "like mother like daughter.....CRRRRRRACK!!!!" HE lifted himself and whacked Ruby across the face with the weapon and he grabbed her by her hair and lifted her up...the skin was ripped off of her lower jaw and it was dangling on one hinge then he shot her neck making it splatter off and her body falling down. Blake and Yang saw this and could do nothing but watch...Weiss she could only muster one word. "RUUUUUBYYYYYYY!!!" then he moved her head like a puppet and mimicked her voice "Hey Yang let's have fun!! Blake is that a new book?! Hey..Weiss...I like you....PFFFFHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA!!!!"

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