Chapter 15

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(Oh gods it's been ages hasn't it? Sorry I've been busy with school, friends, and various video games and of course RWBY volume 3!!!...the ship wars in this volume makes me see how bad the fandom has gotten....oh well I still ship these two ships and that's what you all deserve!!!...even though Ruby kinda dead right now.....hehehehehehehe also all these new characters in the volume will not be in this fan fic....probably...)

Ian stood in front of his thrown playing with Ruby's head smiling and Yang stood there with her arms dangling on her body, unable to move them....then.....she snapped.....her eyes turned red and she raised her arms and slammed them back making a huge explosion of her aura and semblance and her face was angrier then it could have ever been. "I'LL KILL YOUUUUUUUUUU!!!!" She ran then jumped to him and spun when she was a few away from him and punched him in the face making him drop Ruby's head and fly to a wall making a huge crater. He had another small laugh as he then squated holding his mace in one hand and the batzooka in the other then he jumped out to double smack her but ice shot to him and coated his stomach and chest leaving him open to a huge punch by Yang making him fly into the same crater. "GUUUUUUH WHAT THE HELL?!" He looked up to see Weiss and Blake standing besides Yang with glaring eyes at him and their iris' shined at him. "Oh....hehehehe well let's do this!!!" He clipped the batzooka to his waist and put the batzooka over his shoulder and shot at them, but they dodged the missiles and Yang punched him in the stomach again making him dig into the wall. As Ian grunted and yelled from the forces he, simultaneously, elbowed Yang's spine and kneed her stomach, then he put his hands over his head and did a ab crunch, bending his knees, then extended himself to double kick Yang in the face making both of them fly and land near the same place however Ian landed on his feet and Yang on her back from exhaustion. "Hehehehe finally" He muttered. He walked over and grabbed her by her hair pulling her up and was about to shoot her in the face before a shadow clone of Blake ran and spun kicked him in his mouth making his head go back and him shooting the clone. "GUUUUUUH dammit!!!!" Blake ran and used her gun her whip him and shot him in the face making him fly back and hit a different wall. "STAY AWAY FROM HER!!!" Yelled Blake as she loaded her handgun. "Okay," he said with a grunt. "Come on and play kitty-cat!!" They ran to eachother and Blake spun and slashed him across his chest and kicked him back giving her an opportunity to shoot him all over his body with dust rounds then did one last large purple energy blast knocking him back. She put Gambel Shroud back in its katana type form and marched over to him, she rose her arm to slash him then he immediately rose his arm and blasted her back then got up. "GRRRRHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA!!! OOOOH CINDER-BITCH IS GONNA LOVE THIS!!!" as he smiled he felt a blade go through his chest, he immediately got wide eyed and he looked down to see that it was myrtanaster going through his chest. When he looked back he saw Weiss holding the blade. "" He fell down and the blade slid out of him. "Hehehehehehehehehahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahaha..hahaha.....haaaaa" He began cracking and eventually he disintegrated away leaving nothing.
Yang stood up holding her side and trudged to Blake and held her up "holy shit, actually..." Weiss looked over to them and immediately fell on her butt from being tired. "He wasn't a person....he was a monster...just another grimm to kill." Blake and Yang looked at eachother and Blake nodded light then weakly said, "yeah...yeah I suppo-" They were immediately cut off when Yang got punched in the face and she flew to a wall and Blake stood up unable to fight. The person to deliver the punch was Anger. "Don't think we're done here you fucking idiots." He activated his gauntlets as Yang's eyes burst red and she looked at him "COME ON YOU FUCKING PERIOD-HEADED BITCH!!!"

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