I woke up at this place...

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_hi guys, this is my first book. Hope I get some reviews. I'm not sure if you would find the first chapter scary....well I'm trying and I hope you like it.._
All I could see was pitch black as I was plunged into darkness. I landed hard on the floor on the sand with some cuts forming on my legs and arms. I looked around in this unfamiliar place that wasn't my hometown. It was an isolated desert.
"What the hell? Where am I?" I looked around confused and curious
I walked a couple of kilometers,stopping every now and then since my ribs were hurting and I didn't have water with me. I finally reached this place. I didn't know what type of a place it was but it looked like an abandoned village. I saw houses that were broken down and the atmosphere was eerie, I walked around for a bit since it was a small area. I saw 2 people walking around like they lived in this place. I ran to those people relived that there was someone I could ask for help.
"Where am I, what is this place?" I asked
Neither of them replied and just gave me a blank stare and walked away. I panicked and started running to a random direction.
'I don't want to be here anymore' I thought.
I suddenly stopped as I realized I zoned out from seeing where my legs were running off to. I looked around and saw a shop on my right.
"Maybe there are some supplies I could use" I muttered
As if on cue my legs started burning from the cuts that I had completely forgotten about. Ignoring the pain I walked to the shop and saw an old man sitting behind the counter.
"I said goodbye to them 50 years ago" he muttered.
I tried waving my hand across his face but it looked like he was in a trance. I heard some footsteps coming behind me. I turned around and I saw a man smiling. I asked if there was something wrong but he was just smiling. Then he started taking slow steps towards me as his smile started becoming creepy. He pulled out his knife that was stained with blood dripping from the tip
"Is that....f-fresh b-blood?" I stuttered feeling really scared.
I ran to where I came in from and I saw there wasn't a door.
"Damnit why can't I run out?"
I started banging the door and turned to look at the old man who stared at me with a creepy smile.
"Now you will be gone for the next 50 years to come!"
I heard the footsteps getting louder and louder.
"Shit! He caught up, I thought he was a slow runner"
I sat on the floor with all my hope lost as he came infront of me.
As he raised his knife. He said something that I couldn't hear.
There was some annoying beeping sound
"WHAT??" I yelled through the beeping noise.
He looked at me confused, as everything starts vanishing and I am soon left in the darkness again. I woke up to a bright light and I saw IV moniters connected to my body. I got up from my bed as blood started rushing through my body. I saw my mother sitting on the chair with her head on the bed I was lying in
"Mom?" I asked through my cracked voice.
She looked up instantly "Sweetie!, thank goodness you are alive?"
"Alive?" I asked confused.
"You were in a coma for a week and the doctors said that there was a slim chance of you coming out of it alive" she said as tears were falling.
"Oh My God"
_weeeeell that was my first chapter. I will be posting more of course. But on one condition 5 votes and 5 comments and I will post the next chap_

BedTime Horrors...Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora