A light among shadows

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Fallen leaves crunched beneath my feet as I journeyed through the land. The flora had grown barren and the air cold, touched by my mother's sadness. Every living creature-human, animal, and fae-prepared for the harsh times ahead, pausing to bow as I passed, their expressions forlorn. As difficult as things would become, it was mild compared to what would unfold if I were to defy my fate. Still, I prayed they would all get by, especially my mother.

Eventually, I reached the mouth of the cave, and I could already feel the dark energies resonating from within. Though I wanted to turn back, I gritted my teeth and pressed on. Pulling a crystal from my pack, I shook it, and the cave was illuminated by its radiant glow. Soon, I was standing at the edge of a great black river blanketed in mist. From it emerged a small boat that made its way to where I waited. "Your Grace," the ferryman said. "Your arrival has been expected. Climb aboard." As the boat creaked through the murky waters, disembodied cries of lost souls echoed through the haze. Just being here made my skin crawl, and I despised it. By and by, the fog thinned, and I could make out the palace looming before us. "Your stop, my Lady." the ferryman said with a bow. "Thank you." I replied curtly, stepping off the boat. A lump formed in my throat as I looked up at the castle, but I swallowed it down before ascending the steps to the front doors. Before I could knock, they opened on their own.

Demonic shadows writhed as I walked through the dimly lit corridors, whispering my name, some even welcoming me back...as if I wanted to be back. Soon enough, I was sitting in the master bedchamber, butterflies in my stomach. Upon a small table sat a single lit candle and a bottle of pomegranate wine. To ease my worries, I poured myself a glass. In that moment, I froze, having sensed a horribly familiar presence. Nervously, I looked around. The shadows hissed eagerly. Suddenly, the candle went out, plunging the room into complete darkness.

I then felt fingers gliding slowly upon my shoulders. "My Queen..." he whispered in my ear. "Yes...my love." I choked out, bile rising in my throat. "It is I." Fighting back tears, I squeezed my eyes shut as the thing I was forced to call husband planted kisses upon my neck. I could only pray these next four months would pass swiftly.



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