Chapter Six: The Other Side of Me

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Trying to sleep was one of the hardest things I have ever tried to do. Lying my bed, the events of today race through my head like arrows. Earth.

That afternoon when we arrived at home, I went to my room and never came back out. My sisters tried to find out what was wrong, but my parents assured them that I was fine and that I wasn't feeling well at the moment. Yeah, I wasn't feeling pretty good, but I rather be sick than to endure the large surges of feelings that I have had since I got home.

The darkness from my window was light than the darkness in my room. I huddle my blanket and close my eyes. Everything will be okay.


I am in a large field on a hill. I look down at myself and gasp. I am wearing a dress that is goes to the bright green grass below, bellowing around me in the wind. . It is made from the finest cloth that I have ever felt. It bore a white ribbon that ties in the back and falls gracefully to the grass below. My hair glows golden in the sunlight streaming through the clouds above. But I felt something strange tingling my skin.

"Warmth. This isn't Darkani. Darkani's temperatures don't go this high."

"You are correct, Isabella."

I turn around and see no one standing behind me. I spin in a circle but I'm the only one in the field.

"Who are you?" I ask into the open air.

"No one in particular. But I want to help you."

I felt a breeze rush past me. I spin around but see nothing.

"Okay then. Where am I?"

"You are in a vision, a dream."

"But it's strange. I can feel and hear everything. This fabric is soft and the grass breaks under my feet. How do I have all my senses?"

"I am not controlling your thoughts. I am just, well, visiting. Where you are is what you are thinking of. Tell me, Isabella, tell me where you are. It's your dream."

I look around once more. Rays of light come through the white, puffy clouds. The fields of grass are full of colorful flowers of all shapes and sizes. And then I see something in the distance. A brown spot in the distance. I start down the hill, my bare feet crunching grass below me. I get down the hill and the brown figure is closer. It's standing on four legs and has spots covering its brown surface.

Then it moves.

I screamed in shock and I fall down into the grass. I back away from the creature and stare at it. It looks up from the grass, a piece of green in its mouth, and it turns it head towards me. Its small, beady eyes look into mine. Sharp ears move side to side. Then it looks back down into the grass. I sigh in relief and get back up, looking cautiously at the animal, which no longer had interest in me.

"What is that?"

"You should know. It is in your dream."

I walk closer to it and put my hand out. The animal looks back up at me and then at my hand. It slowly walks towards me, moving its ears side to side.

"If you don't know what it is, Isabella, then why are you allowing it to get closer to you?"

I look into the sky, assuming that I could find a body for the voice.

"Because I trust it."

The creature slowly closes the distance between us. It looks up at me, and then puts its head into my hand.

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