Untitled Story Part

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Roy stood in front of the gates of Central cemetery and took a deep breath before he stepped through the gate.

He walked swiftly past the tombstones. Roy knew more of the names engraved in the rocks than he cared to admit, but his mind was focused on only one grave today.

He made it to the stone titled with the name 'Hughes' and sighed. Seeing his best friend's eternal resting spot made his heart twinge. This was the first time Roy visited Hughes since he was placed here six years ago. It wasn't because he didn't want to either, Roy was terrified of this place. He was terrified of seeing his happy-go-lucky friend dwindled down to only a name on a rock and countless memories.

He kneeled down. "Hello, Maes. It's been awhile, hasn't it?" He whispered to the gravestone. "I'm sorry I haven't visited you sooner, but-" He paused "No, there aren't any excuses. All I can say is I'm sorry, but I'm here now and I brought some photos."

Roy pulled his messenger bag off his shoulders and searched through it until he found the handful of photographs he brought to show Hughes.

"I guess I'll start with this one." Roy said, placing a picture of Elicia Hughes down on the grass in front of Hughes' grave. "Your little girl is nine years old. Hard to believe, isn't it? It seems like it was only yesterday when you were here and shoving pictures of her in my face. I know I said I hated it, but now I miss it so much these days. Every time I see Elicia I make sure to remind her of the amazing man her father was."

He then placed a photo of Gracia on top of Elicia's. "And here's your beautiful wife. I can tell you about how much she misses you, but I think you already know. Gracia told me about how safe and secure she felt awhile ago and she was almost positive it was because of you and I believe it wholeheartedly. Your role as a husband and father will never be over."

Roy sat down on the grass in front of the grave, giving his legs a break from kneeling.

"You probably want to know about me know, don't you?"

Roy sat a picture of himself in front of Hughes. "I did it. I'm finally the Fuhrer of Amestris, but it wasn't as satisfying as it would've been if you were here to see it."

He sat another photo on top of the last one. 

"I finally took your advice and got myself a wife, Maes. As soon as I was promoted to Fuhrer, I proposed to her in front of thousands of soldiers and civilians. It was even broadcasted to all of Amestris. She was so embarassed, but she said yes. You remember First Lieutenant Hawkeye? Well, her last name is Mustang now, but that's beside the point. You joked about me marrying Riza a lot, but I never believed it would ever be possible. It's hard to believe we've been married five years now."

Roy paused.

"I wish you would've been able to come to the wedding. Lieutenant Ross, Lieutenant Catalina, and Riza planned the whole thing and it was perfect. I wouldn't dream of a better wedding. Havoc, Breda, Falman, and Fuery were my groomsmen. I didn't have a best man because it didn't seem right to give that title to anyone but you." He collected his thoughts for a second. "You should've seen Riza in her wedding dress, she looked like a Queen." He smiled at the memory. "She was beautiful. Absolutely beautiful."

Roy sat another picture on the ground. "This is my oldest child. Her name is Alice, Alice Elizabeth Mustang. She is four years old and she is the happiest little girl I have ever met. She favors Riza a lot, both in looks and personality. She is the apple of my eye. I now know how you feel about Elicia. Speaking of Elicia, Alice and her are the best of friends, despite the age difference. It's adorable, I wish you were here to witness it."

He placed another photo down.

"And this is my son, Henry Maes Mustang. he is only 8 months old, so there isn't much to say about him right now. He's not a very vocal baby, he only cries if something is really wrong. Many soldiers around Central, Riza included, say he looks like me, but I don't really see it. Maybe my boy will be the next Fuhrer of Amestris." He chuckled. "But it's way too early to say something like that."

Roy took a deep breath. He checked the time and sighed. 

"Well Hughes, that's the major things you've missed. I have to get to work soon, but I promise I'll visit again soon. I'm so sorry I waited so long to visit you, but it'll never happen again. I miss you, Hughes. Talk to you soon."

Roy gathered his photos and the rest of his belongings. He stood up and patted the cool stone of Hughes' grave before turning around and heading out of the cemetery, his heart filled with joy. 

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