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I ran myself harder and harder into the bars. I try and be as thoughtful of my stomach as I could be. I couldn't believe there was something growing inside me, a little Tony. I fall to my knees and weep. None of it will matter. There's no way in hell they want Tony or I alive.

I cry harder and harder, wishing there was something to help me break free.

I hear more robotics, the tinge of moving legs. I shut my eyes tightly and shut myself away in the corner of my cell. They were coming for me.

Suddenly it's silent and I open my eyes. I'm greeted with those of peppers.

"He never said anything about killing children." She sighs heavily and tries to cry, but she has no tears.

She grunts loudly and punches the bars, the lock breaking.

"I'm in over my head." She weeps more.

"I want my body back. I want my life back." She struggles within herself and I gently touch her face.

"Help me get to my suit, and I promise, nothing will happen to you, to me, to anyone."

She shoves my hand away.

"It's not that simple." She shoves my hand away, walking over to a desk and pulling out my suit from one of the drawers.

"I can't go back to anyone. Everyone hates me. No one will trust me. And betraying Lutes, I'll die. I'm safer here."

The suit peels to me and I'm once again alive with bursting energy.

I use a pin pad Tony had tailored into my suit for communications to connect to Peppers contact data base.

"I will keep in touch with you. You work from the inside, alright? You're unhappy and although what you did was wrong, you have come to terms with that. You're doing the right thing. Act like everything is normal. Do not cave into Lutes." I plead to her, gripping her cold shoulders.

"Okay." She whispers.

"But you better hurry. They've got Tony kept in your lab."

My eyes widen and I rush out of the room. In the garage I see four cars, and with my best instinct, I go with the fastest. The Audi. I speed off from where I was, using the gps in the car to find the Tech.

Suddenly, I'm hit. The car is totaled and with only a mile to go, I was stuck. I climb out the shattered window as best I could and to my surprise, the world is dark, covered in smoke, the streets riddled with metal parts and dead bodies.

"No." I say softly to myself, my breath creating a fog in the cool air.

I look above me, Hulk fighting off and ripping apart Lutes' army. Clones were being sent in from the direction of the Tech and I knew exactly now what he had wanted all along. These innocent people were being cloned and killed.

"No!" I scream, rushing up behind a green Bruce.

A man drops next to me and begins slitting the heads off of all of the mechanical clones.

"Janis!" He shouts.

"Steve? That's a silly outfit. What's happening?!"

"You and Bruce have to get to the tech and stop Lutes!"

"Well...." I sigh, looking up at Tony's AI units. All of them being demolished.

"Well what?!"

"Ultron woke up." I say quietly.

"Everybody! We've got to make it to the tech, Thor and Romanoff, you stay here and bundle them up, zap em out!"

"Are you crazy? Bruce will destroy the tech." Romanoff shouts.

"I need another scientist on site!"

"I'll go! He can bundle. He's taught me a thing or two." Romanoff chuckles flirtatiously.

Never knew that was a thing...

We are all picked up in a large helicarrier and I grip tightly into Steve.

I begin crying again, these damn emotions.

"I need Tony." I whimper and he rubs my back.

"He'll be alright, we've only lost contact for about 5 minutes."

"You've lost contact?!" I scream.

We arrive at the tech, the helicarrier in its invisible state.

I rush out of the craft and into the tech, blowing up the doors and seeing all three of them in the lab, clones being made, Tony on a table, his body parts about to be replaced.

I send a large jolt at Lutes, the clones trying to come at me, but they are fought off by the team.

Lutes begins glitching out

"A flaw in him, but no flaws in me." Ultron grunts, rushing up to me and punching me to the ground.

He laughs above me, his hands gripping tightly around my arms to pick me up and throw me back down.

I groan at the pain but as soon as I hear Tony gargle unconscious, I knew what I had to do. I got up and forced my hand into Ultrons chest. The burning sensation was severe and my skin was melting.

I scream loudly, digging deeper into him.

"What are you doing?!" He shouts.

"Let go of me!"

With all of my strength, I send a shock throughout his entire body. I watch as he shakes and rattles in my hand, pieces of him flying throughout the tech, cutting the wires of the cloning chambers Lutes has built. And as my hand is finally free I notice my skin had severe burns.

I fall to the ground and beside me is Lutes, his glitch still going.

"You fucking bitch. You can't stop the army."

"Romanoff, dismantle the chambers." I say to her.

She nods and does as she's told.

Steve and Clint fight off the rest of the clones and we get a call in from Thor, telling us that the fleet out in the city had been destroyed.

"I think we just did." I say with a smile.

I come up to Tony's body and pull out his trigger for the AI's, shutting them all down, including any form of Ultron that had been left.

"We'll need a new server next time." I say to Tony who is still unconscious.

"What about Pepper?" Steve barks.

"I don't think we'll have to worry about her. Tony needs a hospital." I say, lifting him into my arms and carrying him as best I can to the helicarrier.

"Why don't we need to worry about Pepper?"

"She's reformed. She freed me."

Steve nods politely at me and as I look down to Tony I notice that I'm bleeding. And it was causing me so much pain. My insides felt like they were being stabbed, the blade turning around and around in my pelvic area.

I grip Tony tightly and can't help the tears. I knew exactly what it had meant.

It was a miscarriage.

Outlandish and Fantastic (Tony Stark Love Story)Where stories live. Discover now