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My name is Isabelle Fox my parents are super rich. We live in an apartment, my mum is cheating on my dad saying that she's actually not and let's just say I have the best dad ever. We're back at school in year ten starting fresh but something's don't change.
I really don't get it, he just walks around like we never even happened. I hate him I really do, well not really I actually love him but hey don't blame me. I have liked this guy for like since I was in year one and I am in year seven. We went out for a while but I just wasn't ready and every thing got messed up and now we are nothing to each other. His name is Rafael and he is gorgeous, he was tan skin soft brown hair in the flick and he knows how to please any girl. Which isn't that good it's like he doesn't even know I exists anymore but he is always staring at me for some weird reason. We talk every now and then and sit together in class, oh we are in our main classes together as well which kills me. I really want to tell him I like him but I just can't because I know he doesn't like me.

I am walking to science and when I get there nobody is sitting down so I go over to my friend Emilee and ask her what we are doing.
"Hey EM what are we doing" I question.
"We are finding out our new seating plan four people in those square table groups", she replies.
"Oh ok well I hope we are together", I reply.
"Ok class and the last table up in the left back will be, Isabelle then next to her will be Rafael, then on the other side is Emilee and Taylor", the teacher calls out.
I stand there frozen I have to sit next to Rafael for the rest of the year?, this is going to be amazing.
"Come on Izzy", says Emilee pulling me along.
I sit down and Rafael sits down next to me moving his chair closer to me.
"Hey Isabelle",Rafael says with a grin on his face.
"Oh hey Rafael I guess we're sitting next to each other for the rest of the year then", I say stating the obvious.
We start doing our work when Rafael starts talking to someone I look up in complete shock, how in the world I was so busy talking to Eric I didn't even notice that Taylor was sitting at this table. I do not like Taylor she is always talking to Eric and whenever we sit together she comes to whenever we start talking she follows and now I am stuck with her for the rest of the year in science.GREAT!.

Emilee and I start talking about football and whose going to win like it was the Dragons against the Tigers and we both say Dragons when Rafael says something about the Tigers than we all get in this silly argument about whose going to win. I look and see Taylor looking annoyed because she doesn't go for either team and that she isn't on the conversation with us opps I meant Rafael. I got up and took my diary to go to the toilet I get half way to the bathroom when I notice Rafael was coming as well I go into the bathroom and try and be quick when I get out I see Rafael was already nearly in the classroom so I wonder back slowly when I hear a voice I turn around and see someone I didn't want to see Jacob. I keep walking even faster because I know he would just say something annoying or mean.

I get back into the classroom and the bell goes so I grab my stuff and walked out of the class room when I was called back it was about the science day I had to bring my note in.

I start to walk to our year area to have lunch when I notice a massive crowd?

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