Summer break...

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I pulled myself out of bed and lunged at my ringing phone.
"Urgh shut up", I said picking it up.
Caller ID was dad, strange I thought I was forgotten.
"Hello", I answer the phone.
"Hello beautiful, how are you?", he asks.
"Fine how's the holiday?", I ask half asleep.
"Good good, but I called to tell you we're sending a car to pick you up tomorrow", he said cheerfully.
"Why?", I question.
"Because your moving up here with us I know you were struggling with friends and stuff at school, so I think a fresh start would do you some good", he replies.
"What no, dad I'm not moving", I wake up suddenly.
"Well why not?", he asks confused.
"Everything was good then bad and now it's all falling back into place and you want me to move half way across the country just because there's more people up there for mum to cheat on you with, you might as well give up know because I'm not leaving I have friends and Jesse and Rafael everyone is like family to me here. You left me alone for two weekend then months dropping me on some family expecting everything to be fine no that doesn't work dad, I am not moving you can't make me", I scream into the phone.
"Isabelle act your age, you have no right to yell at me like that and you mother and I are fine. That family have been far more then generous it's time you come home darling all your stuff is mostly here except for the things you have, so be packed and I will let them drop your off at the airport the ticket should come in the mail today and that's final goodbye Isabelle", he hangs up leaving me in tears.
I throw my phone at the wall and sink to the ground, he's making me leave just drop everything and leave for his and mums sake. What happened to the ovine farther he used to be, I can't just leaving my friends and Jesse things were starting to fit back into place he can't do this to me.

We discussed the plans at the table they would drop me off at the airport tomorrow morning  seven thirty the paling arrives at eight thirty. Jesse was silent the whole time he wouldn't even look at me and left after we settled everything, Rafael comforted me and helped me pack my bags, once that was out of the way I put on a pair of jeans and a singlet top and headed to the barn in my new paddock boots. I ran into King Fishers stall I couldn't leave him they would just sell him or turn him iut in the paddock, he had come so far if only I could take him with me.
"I'm going to miss you boy", I cried into his mane.
He nudged into me giving me a hug, I brushed him down then turned him out into the paddock tears streaming down my face. I head back inside I had spent an hour with King Fisher and I still had more to pack, I bounded up the steps and passed Jesse's closed door. I got out another suit case for my horse riding gear. I throw my jodhpurs, shirts, show jackets, boots, gloves, and helmet into the bag adding socks and jeans to the piles.
"Why are you leaving", a soft voice comes from behind me.
I turn around and see a confused and angry Jesse.
"My parents aren't giving me a choice if they had I would have stayed", I said tears welling in my eyes.
"That's bullshit everybody has a choice, they can't just make you leave it's not fair", he yells running his hand through this blond hair.
"I know but I don't have a choice", I said crying.
I walk over to him and wrap my arms around his waist, he tenses up pushing me away and walks back to his room slamming his door closed and smashes something in the process, tears run harder I had lost him again over my stupid parents.

We sat in silence at dinner not a word to be said Jesse didn't join us he stayed in his room

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We sat in silence at dinner not a word to be said Jesse didn't join us he stayed in his room.
"Izzy honey can you take some dinner up to him", Emma says giving me a small smile.
Not wanting to be rude I gave her a small nod grabbing a plate and putting some lasagna on it I headed up stairs. I got to his closed door tears already threating to come out, I nocked no response. I opened the door and he was sitting on his bed leaning on his knees flicking through his phone tears coming from his eyes, I never thought I would see him cry again I could t handle this I was gong to cry again he didn't want me here. I out the plate on his desk and headed for his door.
"Remember this when we took the horses swimming and King Fisher dumped you on your ass", he said to my back.
I turned slowly around tears coming from my eyes, I looked at him making them fall harder. His eyes softened he got up and walked over to me wiping the tears from my eyes.
"Don't cry", he whispered.
"I'm sorry", I chocked out.
"Don't be it's not your faint don't listen to me", he said wrapping this arms around me pulling towards his bleeding setting me down.
"I love your Izzy and I always will, we will see each other again and when we do my feelings won't have changed not even a bit and I hope yours don't either. I got you something"he whispers into my ear.
He pulls out a big box from under his bed, I looked at him in confusion. I pulled open the flaps and laughed at what he had got me, the stupid boy got me a pillow pet a zebra to be exact.  I laughed picking it up from the box looking up at him and he was holding another box but smaller. I took it from him and opened it inside was a ring carved into it was swirly script writing saying I promise.
"You got me a promise wring", I chock out.
"That we promise to love each other through thick and thin and when you return which you will that we will go over the possibilities of being together again, and that we never forget each other", he says while putting the wring in my finger.
I look up into his eyes all the hurt washes away he loved me even if he had made stupid mistakes I had to and he always found a way to forgive me. I lean in and kiss him catching him by surprise but he kissed me back not long after it was a kiss meant to last until we met again, he lulled me onto his lap and I hugged him and we stayed like that till I fell asleep.

I woke to bed dipping beside me, I rolled over noticing I was back in my room and found Jesse sitting their looking down at me.
"Time to get up princess", he said with a small smile.
"How much longer", I whimpered.
"An hour at the least", he replies looking away.
I get up and change into a black lace dress and black heels, k curled my hair and head back out into my bedroom, Jesse was sleeping in my bed I head over and lean down and peek him on the check.
"Time to go", I say.
"Alright lets go",  he rises out of the bed and wraps an arm around me waist and we walk down the stairs together.
We arrived at the airport at eight and I head through security and get my bags through onto the luggage cart. Keeping my backpack with me which had my pillow pet Zee in it and my earphones and book. I walked over hugged Emma and Trent already crying again. I gave Rafael a hug we stayed still like that for a while we let go and I kissed him in the cheek, I walked over to Jesse and leaped into his arms I cried into his shoulder and I let got and I kissed him on the lips my tears falling onto his cheeks he kissed me with passion and sadness I was like wise.
"I don't want you to wait up for me, I know we promised and I will always love you but you need to let go and be free I know your going to hate me for it but Jesse I can't have you wait up for me let go of what we had and move in you need to stop loving me", I say looking uno his eyes which grow with anger.
I let go and turn towards the plane and hurry in not letting him fight back. Once the plane was in the air I plugged in my earphones and put uncover by Zara Lawson my favorite song on and closed my eyes pushing the tears away.

The end
ARGH I know it's done but the neck to book will be out on December the 29 2016 with two new chapters! Haven't decided a name but I will let you know. Sad ending yes can you believe what has happened.
Sneak peek for new book:  What will happen when Izzy returns to her old school and pack to the Boltons house after her new life didn't work out as planned, Izzy returns to her senior year with a new boy, bitchy girls and a sad story then she keeps under raps so no one will feel sorry to her. What will happen when Izzy returns...

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