Chapter Five

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I examined myself in the bathroom mirror, hardly recognizing myself. Why did I agree to this again? Oh yea, because he's gorgeous, irresistible, intriguing... Did I say gorgeous? I sighed. "Well, I never pictured myself in this before." I smoothed my hair and stepped back into the library where he was waiting.
Butchy sat on my desk, flipping through a book. As I got closer, I realized it was West Side Story. Seemingly engrossed, he still hadn't noticed my presence so I softly cleared my throat. He jumped and turned with a slightly startled look. His face then softened as he sat the book down, got up and gave a low whistle as he looked me up and down. I shyly stared at my feet as I felt him getting closer.
He put a finger under my chin and lifted it so our eyes met. His brown eyes sparkled and nearly took my breath away. "Apology accepted, doll. You look amazing." He was so close. I waited for a kiss, but it never came. Instead, he stepped back to examine me further. I was disappointed, but was still beaming nonetheless from his praise. "This style really suits you, Hayley."
It turns out what he had in the bag was one of his sister's outfits. I had to admit it was a great disguise. Who would guess the librarian was a biker chick on the side? I wore tight black leather pants with a matching jacket that, of course, read 'The Rodents'. With it was paired a red tank top, striped neck scarf and black boots. Though it wasn't my style, I had to admit it kind of felt right.
"C'mon doll", he grabbed my hand once more, smiling as he pulled me towards the back door. "Embarrassed to be seen with me", I jabbed, returning his previous quip. He stopped suddenly, tightening his grip on my hand. "Only a dope would be embarrassed to be seen with you, Hayley." He looked sincere and I felt myself blush. A dope? His vocabulary is certainly interesting.
We finally made it to his bike and he must've sensed my apprehension. "It's ok, doll, nothing to be scared of", he said soothingly. "I-I know", I stuttered, "I've just never ridden a motorcycle before". The black metal death trap gleamed in the sunlight. "Don't worry, yous in good hands with me", he smiled mischievously as he reached out to cop a feel.
I slapped at his hands and arms as I backed away and replied "That's what I'm afraid of". Butchy threw back his head and laughed hardily. "I'm just kidding, doll. I'll be a perfect gentleman", he moved his arm gracefully and fancily as he bowed.
"Promise", I asked, though I was truly more concerned with my restraint rather than his. "You have my word, m'lady", he replied goofily with a bad British accent. He placed his hand over his heart and looked up at me with his usual grin. I couldn't help but smile and giggle at his unexpected silliness. "Ok then", I decided. He looked excited by my answer. "Right on. Let's go!"
He then handed me a helmet and straddled the bike. I put it on and he patted the seat behind him. "Hop on", he winked. The voice in the back of my head kept saying "don't do it" but I shoved all discouraging thoughts out. I climbed on, sitting behind him a bit awkwardly, afraid to get any closer.
Butchy cranked the bike and revved the engine. It roared and so did my heart as he grabbed my hands and pulled them around his massive torso. His muscular body felt like a rock as my front pressed against his back. I held my hands together to keep from feeling him up. "Hold on, doll", he advised as he sped out of the parking lot and onto the highway.

Beauty and the Biker: A Teen Beach 2 Butchy FanficWhere stories live. Discover now