Chapter Seven

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        I held on tight as Butchy veered off the highway. My heart was racing again between having my arms wrapped around him and the thrill of being on a bike. We cruised down a beautiful scenic ocean view road. Surfers were hanging ten as others walked along or played in the sand.
        Further down the beach, some campers were setting up a bonfire as the sun was going down. I took in the sights and sighed with contentment. The beach has always been special to me. "Like the beach, doll", he turned and asked with a soft smile. "I love it!" Ugh, that was a little too enthusiastic. I felt myself blush a bit as he chuckled. Butchy then turned into a more secluded area of the parking lot.
        He turned off the motorcycle and turned to me asking, "Like sunsets, too?" I was about to answer 'yes' but then I realized something. The tough biker guy who fixes cars and opens lockers with his fist, who emanates strength and ferocity, merely snapping to call the attention of a dozen rowdy kids likes sunsets? No way.
        "Wait. You? 'Mr. Tough Guy' has brought me to see the sunset?" Butchy feigns a look of insult. "Ouch...", he puts a hand on his chest, "Just because I'm a biker don't mean I don't gotta heart, ya know!" I laughed at his playfulness, still a bit surprised that the intimidating guy from this morning could be this silly. "I'm just kidding, you goof! Let's go!"
        I hopped off the bike and so did he as it was his turn to laugh. "Goof, huh? Nobody's ever had the guts to call me that before." He crossed his arms over his immense chest as he tried, and succeeded, to look intimidating. "Well, I'm not afraid of you." That's a lie. A great big lie. I'm very afraid of the effect he has on me. After all I shouldn't even be here with a student! Oh geez, what am I doing here?!
       Butchy then stood directly in front of me, his large stature towering over me. "Oh, really", he inquired whilst raising an eyebrow. I straightened up and crossed my own arms and cocked my head, "Yes, really." No, no, no, not really. He eased back to a laid back stance and said "Hmm". He smiled the most beautiful smile of approval. "You're feisty. I like that." I blushed and smiled as he grabbed a blanket from the back compartment of the bike. "Let's go, doll", he extended an arm for me, acting like the gentlemen he said he was going to be.
        We got to the sand and I proceeded to take my boots off... well, his sister's boots off. He just stood there watching me. "Umm, are you not taking your boots off?" He shook his head, "I don't do sand". I just gave him a look. "But, this is the beach." He looked blank. I sighed and gave up. "Alright then, have it your way... chicken." He balked. "What'd you say?" I grinned mischievously and replied in a sing-songy tone, "Chick-en". He scoffed. "I ain't afraid of no sand, woman!"
        Butchy proceeded to take his boots off and then his socks. When he was finally barefoot, he sighed with contentment. "This actually feels... good." I smiled at him. He acted so innocent, like he'd never had sand between his toes before. "I take it you've not gone to the beach much?" He smiled gently, picking up his shoes. "I have, actually. Just not without my boots on."
        We walked a bit further and he kind of struggled, trudging through the sand. I couldn't help but smile at the big lug. He looked up and saw me asking, "What is it?" Of course I couldn't tell him so I answered "Nothing". Butchy returned a bashful grin as if he knew but was too shy to say anything.
        "This looks like a good spot!" I stopped and pointed at a place near the ocean but far enough the tide wouldn't reach. It had a great view of the setting sun. We spread out the blanket and put our shoes on each corner to keep it from flying away.
         We had a little while before the sun would be going down and the water beckoned to me. He was getting ready to sit down. "Wait! Come on, let's go to the water!" He began to balk and protest again but I interrupted. "Ok now, am I gonna have to change 'Mr. Tough Guy' to 'Mr. Chicken'?" I laughed and he yelled "I'll show you!"
         Butchy started towards me and I took off running towards the ocean's edge. He was gaining and I knew he would catch me. Even if he didn't have as much experience with sand, he was still way more fit than me. I mean, there's a reason I'm a librarian and not an athlete.
        I kicked water at him and splashed him a bit. "Not the leather", he yelled. I giggled and screamed as he caught up to me and threw me over his shoulder. "Butchy! Put me down!" I beat his back with my fist to no avail. His back was so toned I almost hurt my hand. "Not until you say that I'm tough! If ya don't, I'll toss ya in the water!" We were both laughing up a storm. "Never!"
        He leans down so my head is a mere inch from the ocean. I screamed at him and he pretended to drop me. I clutched his arm. "Okay! Okay! You're still 'Mr. Tough Guy'!" He laughs victoriously and shifts me down so he's holding me bridal style, one of my arms around his neck, my hand on his broad chest. His eyes burn into mine as his smile fades into a look of... yearning? Oh Lord! He's gonna kiss me! Then he pulled away and looked towards the sky. The sun was halfway down and moving further quickly. He gently set me down on my feet and took my hand. "Let's have a seat, doll. The show's almost over." Oh man, I think the show could've just started!

Hi everyone! Thank you all sooo much for your views, votes and for adding this to your reading lists! I really appreciate it! I'm sorry it's been awhile since I've updated. I was able to post the first six chapters so quickly since they were already written. I know this is nearly every Wattpad author's excuse, but I am honestly really busy with school! Plus, I have truly put a lot of effort into this work; hopefully it shows. Anyway, I'm already working on another chapter and should have it done soon! Thanks again! Also, feel free to comment! I'd love to hear some feedback! ☺️

Beauty and the Biker: A Teen Beach 2 Butchy FanficWhere stories live. Discover now