chap 3

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Chap 3

Elsa pov

'Hello Elsa when will you be coming back to my place to finish our little game?' My enemy jackass frost called me!

"How did you get my number!!?!?" I screamed at his ear "i have my ways know i liked you lungs better when there using it to moan and scream my name." I get a feeling hes smirking.

"Jack i rather be yelling rape than your name so for once in your life think of something else then sex!!" I screamed at the phone. "Ok ill just think about making love to you." He started laughing his ass off " what ever just let me live me life and have sex with my soul mate!!" I hanged up the phone and got ready for work.

Jacks pov

I cant belive she hanged up on me. Nobody hangs up on Jackson Overland Frost never. Well if shes playing hard to get then i dont mind being the predator. -Smirks-

Elsa pov

'Im going to be late im going to be late.' I kept thinking and thinking those words as i ran to a big biulding, and in that big building is where i work.


"Hey im walking here!!" I screamed at the rider who almost ran me over by hie/her bike. 'Where was i ...oh yea almost running late...'(runs off). 'I work there as a designer for clothes for winter and other seasons, but i will be soon fierd if they find out i didnt brought the new clothes model for summer.'

'Well at least i wont be seeing jackass agian' i sooned continued to run

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