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Smile - Mikky Ekko

I don't really remember that day. I was around six. But Phil likes telling me about it. I was sitting by the window of the pathetic excuse of an orphanage, nonchalantly looking outside. Then Phil moves on to talking about how nervous and excited Dan was when he sat down to talk to me for the first time, and Phil's blue eyes light up lovingly when he says his name. I love seeing him like that. It's kind of why I ask him to tell me about it, again and again.

Unlike my parents, I've never lacked social skills. It never ceases to amaze them, and I become the subject of frequent jokes in their videos.
Yes, they're still going. Still strong with their videos. Many youtubers of their generation have long since quit. Zoe Deyes and Alfie Deyes have retired from their Youtuber careers. Shane Dawson and Felix who I've met around three times in my life are out of the charts. Shane is working in the media, while Felix retired for good. Not because of old age. He's only one of the wealthiest and most influential video makers out there.
They're still here, but gone out of the spotlight, leaving behind the content we remember them for and making space for the newer providers.
Of course, you can't completely let go, and they sometimes appear in my dads' vlogs. Besides, the younger youtubers from that generation are still going. Trevor Moran, Chandler Wilson... Still there.
I was only 6 when these people were role models for so many. I don't remember and can't say I necessarily feel at loss. But watching back I guess I see what made the sunrise of Youtuber fame so amazing to follow. And it's still going. They created a community that will stay here.

But this isn't really about that.

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