Chapter 2

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"Guys...just in case we come across something. might as well prepare your phasers..." Jim looked into the abyssal tunnel. "Set it on the highest stun setting. "
All of them taking the captain's advice, he was the first to enter the tunnel. Spock went in after Jim, then Jason and finally doctor Mccoy. They all had to crouch a little because of the small size of it.
After a hundred feet or so into the tunnel, it began looking more like a cavern as the ceilings were now higher and the corridor branched into other directions.

As they ventured for a few meters ahead, light from the entrance began to grow dimmer and smaller as the tunnels sloped down gradually. A few meters became about ten, then fifteen. "I thought we weren't going in that far..." Bones said with a harsh whisper,trying to stay as close to the ghost boy in front of him as he could with a hand on his lower back for reassurance.
"Just bare with me guys, we may be on to something here." Jim responded as they all passed a side entrance that was way too dark to see. For normal living humans that is. Jason's vision is full spectrum, making the dark look a little more lit up without the help of a light source. However even with that he did not see anything of danger. But he felt it. "We are being watched..I dont know how or what it may be, but it doesn't feel good." He stated as the chamber was then passed. Spock looked back at the spirit, "I too feel slight energies in the area. I suggest we proceed with caution." He turned back forward. "It is seriously creepy down here no doubt." Jim sighed as he looked around. The air beginning to get heavy and difficult to breath.

The atmosphere oppressive and dark still, and only worsening as they stayed, James Kirk took a deep breath and began to slowly walk further. Before he could take even one step, he heard a cry of terror, someone falling with a heavy thump followed by a dragging sound. They all looked back to see their doctor now missing, and so was Jason, who bolted after the doctor. It lead into the chamber that revealed a huge crack that was extremely deep and Jason found the doctor clinging for dear life on the ledge, it was as if someone snatched poor Bones and attempted to drag him to his death down this seemingly bottomless pit.

"Jim!.. Spock!" Jason called out as he let the doctor grab one of his hands, he tried pulling with all his strength. Spock came running in first, wrapping his arms around the boy's torso to prevent him from slipping into the pit as well, Jim secondly came running in and let Bones grab his hand with the other.

Unfortunately as they began pulling him back, Leonard felt something grab his leg again and this time violently yank him which caused both Spock and Jim to fall back but both Bones and Jason were yanked into oblivion.
"NO!" Jim screamed as he saw the two be pulled so quickly. Both of their cries faded into the black pit followed by demonic snarls then...silence.

Spock got up and helped his shocked captain to his feet. Though not visible, Spock was too shocked but not like Jim who was panicking.

"W-we lost them...t-they slipped and now they're gone..." He felt he just witnessed the loss of two of his best friends.
"That drop is approximately 178 feet or more. I am sorry, Jim but I believe you are correct. " Spock said.
But knowing Jason was a ghost and incapable of dying again Jim screamed his name...but no answer.
Nothing but his echo followed by ear ringing silence.

Jim was now on the verge of tears, he clung to Spock for comfort. Spock too was regretting to have witnessed this, those two were great people and now they are lost.

Beyond reach.


Now hope of ever finding them is slim...its been two days since the accident, but captain Kirk is insisting that his two officers and friends have not perished in their fall. Spock wasn't so sure but he went along with his captain's decision, he spent the days at that old house scanning and testing to surrounding area. Nothing but small traces of a strange energy that he couldn't determine but he has ideas. Jim walked in looking rather down again, "This area is proving useless. " said the captain, Spock acknowledged him and nodded, lifting his head from the tricorder. "All that this is picking up on is a slight trail of energy, its very close to ectoplasmic energies if I am not mistaken, but it is not much to go on. "

Jim's mood changed on a dime, eyes wide and jaw dropped, "Wait! Ectoplasm? That's the stuff Jason has instead of blood. He told me that stuff is toxic to the living..." He paused for a minute, 'could that be the cause of the mutations? Exposures to high levels of this plasma but how? Where is it coming from?' He thought.
"Spock, we've got to follow this trail. I have a feeling he's not lost for good. Same with Bones. " Jim spoke again, confident. He had a strong gut feeling now that neither of them are gone. He knows those two are not the types to get taken down so easily.

Spock nodded, "the trail leads to a small village about nine and a half miles away. We should be there late noon if we travel early tomorrow morning. In the meantime we should rest. " He advised.


About four hours later, Jim slowly opened his eyes as he turned back to see Spock faced towards him, sound asleep. His gentle breath tickling Jim's face, he couldn't help but smile. This is a rare scene usually, getting to see his ever graceful and elegant first officer in this peaceful state. He shifted closer, silently as possible. Even so his movement was detected but not unwelcome. Instead of rejection, Jim felt an arm wrap around him. This was absolute bliss. The loving energy from his beloved Vulcan outweighed the heavy oppressed atmosphere of this old worn house. Finally they were at peace for the night.

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