Chapter 5

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"Indeed. We haven't contacted them in approximately nine and a half hours." Spock agreed.
Jim grunted in disdain as he searched for a possible weak spot in these old, rusted but reinforced steel bars.
Spock tested a few bars with a strong pull using superior strength.
Both halted immediately as they saw one of the blighted ones return. Green owlish eyes staring straight at them. There are no facial features besides the eyes and no details on the pitch black transparent figure. It's quiet as if it's observing the two. "Was your core really destroyed?"

No answer. Only a silent, oppressive gaze as the figure vanished like smoke on a gust of wind.
Jim looked down to find their phasers at his feet. His eyes filled with confusion as he bent down to get them. "These weren't here a moment ago.."
He looked up and back at Spock who had a risen eyebrow. "Interesting. Perhaps he was the one who gave these to you." Spock took a moment to examine one.
"What?! But how? Why? Maybe Jason isn't that much changed as we thought. " Jim spoke in a harsh whisper.
"They're still in good condition. I suggest we take the chance to get out of this cell."
Jim nodded and stood out of the way as Spock took aim and fired a concentrated beam at the lock causing it to melt and fall to the ground.
The captain grinned. "Great! Now let's get to the bottom of this mess."

Back on the Enterprise, even Scotty was really worried by now. No messages were left or anything for roughly eight hours now.
"Have you scanned every possible frequency? Every possible energy reading?" Scotty asked Chekov rather frantically.
"Y-yes sir... There is no way I can get through this interference.." Chekov's eyes were almost glassy with tears. He looked back towards the console hanging his head slightly. A single tear falling from his eye and hit the black surface of the console. He was quick to wipe it off but it hadn't gone unnoticed. Uhura looked over at him with sad eyes knowing why he was so sad. Scotty's expression changed on a dime when he saw Chekov's state. He approached and gently placed a hand on his back causing the Russian to tense up slightly. "'s going to be alright.." He spoke turning Chekov around to face him before pulling him into a tight hug. "I-I'm just.." Chekov sobbed and hugged him back, "I am s-scared for them..." He whimpered.
"Honestly I am too, Pav." Scotty spoke softly. They pulled back and Scotty saw just how worn out Chekov was. "We need you to stay strong. Just for a little longer, lad."

As the captain and the commander were attempting to find their way to that massive central chamber, Jim tried to focus the communicator's frequencies trying every one of them in attempt to find an opening through this interference. Every one of them were filled with hissing static...except for one. "E-Enterprise, this is Captain Kirk, do you read me?"
'Kirk?! We read you barely. Is everything alright?' Uhura's voice came through.
"Spock and I alright but the other two are...well found's hard to explain. I want to say infected with this thing. As for our tactics officer. It's much worse. We're going to put an end to this infection if it's the last thing we do." Jim said.
'You two be careful down there lads and good luck.' Scotty spoke sounding a bit relieved.
"Thanks, Scotty. See you soon." Kirk said lastly before closing the communicator and sighing softly.
"The chamber should be down the left corridor." Spock pointed. The corridor which he spoke of looked more like a hallway. Jim simply nodded as he followed his first officer.
After a while of traversing this seemingly endless hallway, Spock turned out to be correct. Towards the entrance of the corridor they had originally came through, on the ground was Spock's tricorder.
Going across the chamber to retrieve it, Jim stayed behind and observed the entrances to other corridors wondering where they could possibly lead. After getting the tricorder Spock had unintentionally scared the wits out of his captain when he tapped him on the back after approaching him. Jim yelped and whipped around with terrified eyes. "Jim! I apologize. I didn't mean to frighten you." Spock eased him with a firm but loving grip on Jim's shoulders.
"No problem. It's not your fault. It's just this place is getting to me." Jim smiled nervously.
"I too find this place disturbing." Spock nodded.
He tested the tricorder to be sure that it still worked and to his apparent relief, it did. Beginning to scan the area, it led to a particularly weird corridor. It seemed to slope down and have this erratic shape to it. Spock looked at Kirk as if asking if they should go in. Jim simply nodded, getting out his phaser just in case they ran into their captors again. Or anything else that might try to kill them.

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