Chapter 3

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Back on the Enterprise, worry and anxiety began building. Especially Scotty, the one in charge for the time being and Chekov as well. The poor Russian couldn't sit still, he hasn't been sleeping well at all and it was showing. It's been two days now since contact with both doctor McCoy and Jason had been lost. "Worrying like that isn't good for you, Pav.." Sulu said quietly.
Chekov didn't respond. He was on the verge of tears. He missed his ghost boy and now he had no way of knowing if he was okay. Losing contact was heartbreaking for him.
"Lad, I'm just as worried about him too. All of them. But we gotta have faith. " Scotty spoke from behind.

Earlier this morning, Jim and Spock had already set out on the lengthy journey, following the trail of tainted energy towards an old mining village. Jim was beginning to become slightly paranoid as he would hear illusions of voices on the wind. Spock didn't seem effected at all. Getting out his communicator, Jim decided to contact the ship and let them know what's going on. "Kirk to the Enterprise." He spoke.
"Scott here, captain! Are ya guys alright?" Scotty's worried voice came through.
"Spock and I are alright...but something has happened to the other two. They are currently missing and it's uncertain about what we may find. We'll keep you updated. Kirk out."
Jim closed the communicator and put it away. "I hate leaving that kind of news."
"Understandable." Spock agreed, "however they remain faithful. As do I."
Jim smiled at that. He loved Spock's positivity during times like this. It always comforted him.

About half an hour later they come across a few torn buildings on the horizon. As they approached Spock's demeanor shifts as he detected negative energies. His kin being telepathic also made him slightly sensitive to psychic energies. Not as much as Jason's abilities but close.  
Jim saw his change and it made him nervous. "Are you okay, Spock?"
"I am well, captain. However the aura of this village is...questionable."
They got closer and it was clear the blight seems to have swept through this village effected just as countless others.
Jim and Spock's best hope is to find someone. Anyone that hasn't been blighted. Through the gate, they could see a faint trail of what looked like blood and drops of a sickly, toxic looking green substance leading into the mine at the other end of the tiny village. Jim's eyes widened, "we need to investigate this mine.." He spoke in a serious tone as they approached the massive mine entrance.
"We should proceed with extreme caution, captain." Spock looked at his captain with a serious demeanor of his own.
Nodding, Jim nervously entered the mine, Spock following close behind with his phaser drawn.

The ambience of this mine was far worse than the hidden tunnels under that house. It felt as if they are unwelcome here... Like they're being watched.
This feeling got stronger as the light of the entrance began to fade as Jim and Spock venture deeper into these seemingly abandoned mine.
Suddenly Jim nearly jumped out of his skin when he heard a whisper right by him. He knew it couldn't have been Spock. It was too disembodied and high pitched to be anything living. It frightens Jim even more seeing Spock not even react to it as if he heard nothing.
"Spock did you hear that?" He asked in a harsh whisper, fear present in his voice. Spock shook his head, "no sir, what was it?"
"A disembodied whisper... I don't know what it said but the voice sounds eerily familiar." Jim spoke, voice shaky. He now stuck very close to the Vulcan for security but it did nothing to lessen the dark, heavy and oppressive atmosphere in this massive corridor, looking more like a cavern rather than a mine now.
"It's going to be alright, Jim. Do not let the energy frighten you." Spock said soothingly. 
"I know, Spock... It's just hard not to be nervous." Jim whined.

"Agh I can't see a damned thing!" Jim grunted as now they were deep enough to where no external lights could leak in. They were now in pitch black. Not only that, it's quiet, very quiet.

They were now approaching the beginning of a massive network of corridors. It split into three, and in those three branching tunnels were a maze of countless other paths to gods know where.
But of the maze of paths, straight down the center path led to a big chamber with what looked like the interior of some massive hidden fortress. Torches were lit, attached to the huge support pillars. Spock and Jim had to pause to take this scene in. "Oh my gosh... I've never seen anything quite like this.." Jim spoke in amazement.
"Impressive." Spock nodded slowly.
Something catches his attention on his tricorder. "I'm picking up on a distant life form, it is stationary." The Vulcan pointed straight ahead.
There is a set of stairs that lead downward into the underground structure.
"I wonder..." Jim whispers.
"There is also a very faint energy reading in that direction. It's not distinguishable but it's... It's in here, captain." Spock lifted his head to survey his surroundings again, he felt a third presence in this chamber and the tricorder was apparently picking up on it too.
"What do you think it is, Spock?" Jim asked nervously as he followed Spock's eyes around the room.
"Unsure, sir. I feel a presence here with us however... It is a conscious presence and it's watching us.."

Jim suddenly felt as if something was behind him.
"S-Spock... Whatever it is..." Jim was now shivering with fear. This presence was not good. If anything it felt demonic.
"'s behind me.."

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