Chapter 21: Lily

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I ran around the platforms, cradling the book in my arms, straight towards Albus. Frank, Ginny, and Hugo were already with him.

"Come on, Lily," Hugo urged. Adrenaline pumped through me and I sprinted to them. Albus immediately demanded, "Forest, now, GO!"

He lagged behind the rest of us slightly while we ran, checking over his shoulder. I looked back. James was dueling with a sword with another tribute, Goyle. Hermione had grabbed a bow and had notched it at a running tribute's back. Molly ran towards us, orange backpack at her side. We had escaped the clearing and were surrounded by trees when we stopped. "Shhh!" Albus hissed, signaling to us that we hide behind the tree. We stood there watching the Bloodbath. I tried to run to James instinctively, but Albus held me back.

James slashed at Goyle's stomach, allowing him a short moment to escape into the trees. Hermione released her arrow and it planted itself in Paul Matthews' back. A cannon fired in the distance. She fled behind James. Before I could even blink, Albus had bolted out there and ran to Paul's body. He snatched his backpack and his bundle of knives and daggers. Albus was out of there in the speed of light. He thrusted the backpack into my arms and threw the weapons at Hugo's feet. The boom of cannons continued as tributes fell. James and Hermione had gone, the only one left was Molly. She had snatched a wand and was running into the forest towards us.


Molly's wand soared out of her hand and was snatched out of the air by her opponent. Goyle stood over her, grinning maliciously.

Molly couldn't die. Uncle Percy would be so devastated. Molly was like a sister to me.

"Molly!" Albus didn't stop to think and ran out.

Albus can be the biggest idiot sometimes. An idiot who was about to get himself killed.

"Albus!" I screamed, my voice laced with panic. I was about to go after him when Ginny grabbed me from behind.

Almost all the tributes had gone. Bodies littered the ground. Molly backed up from Goyle as Albus sped towards her. Scorpius Malfoy was bolting towards the trees, taking advantage of Goyle's distraction. He looked back once and continued running, finally reaching the safety of the trees.

Albus was too far from Molly. Goyle raised the wand, pointing it directly at Molly's heart.

"Avada Ke-"

A flash of blond flashed behind him and in under a second, blood was gushing out of Goyle's side. Scorpius Malfoy wiped the blood off his sword on to his pants. Goyle wasn't dead, but roared in pain and fury.

Scorpius yanked Molly to her feet, "Come on."

Albus had finally gotten there, out of breath.

Molly looked at Scorpius, stunned, "You just saved me. How can I thank-"

"GO!" Scorpius grabbed the wand Goyle had dropped, tossed it to Molly, pushed her to Albus, and ran off.

There was a rustling coming from a tree behind Ginny. I immediately whipped out a dagger and crept cautiously near it, "Who's there? Show yourself, I'm armed."

Colin Creevey stepped out from behind the tree, arms raised in surrender and fear in his eyes.

I softened my expression. I remembered him running away. He didn't have a weapon, food, or anything.

I handed him the dagger, "Go," I urged.

His eyes showed gratitude and he bolted.

"Who was that?" Albus asked when he and Molly reached us.

"Colin Creevey."

"You gave him a weapon," he stated.


He didn't say anything to that. Maybe he knew about Colin's namesake.

"What now?" Molly looked shaken, but otherwise okay.

"We keep going, climb some trees, and keep a lookout for James and Hermione," Albus instructed.

We walked for about ten minutes and climbed into two trees. Albus, Hugo, and I were in one. Molly and Ginny were in the one next to it.

"Shh!" Albus hissed, "I hear someone."

"We have to find them," a familiar voice said, "You seem to have forgotten that your brother and sister are with them too!"

James and Hermione came into view, but we still stayed hidden, just in case there was anyone else.

"I know that," Hermione sounded calm.

"Why are you so calm?" James snapped.

"Don't worry, Albus and Molly are with them," Hermione mused.

"Molly didn't come behind us," James fretted.

Hermione laced her finger through his, "She's fine. I know she is."

"Oh? And why's that?" James voice dripped sarcasm, "Nargles? Crumple Horn Snorkacks? Wrackspurts?

"No, it's faith," Hermione wasn't effected at all by James' slightly harsh comments, "Come on, we made it out. The others are fine because your plan was brilliant."

I realized how much of a great actress Hermione was. She pecked him on the cheek.

"Ugh, gross, no. I can't do this anymore," Albus climbed out of the tree, Hugo following behind him.

James turned red with either annoyance or sheepishness, "I was so worried! Why didn't you come out sooner?"

"Oh, you know, safety precautions," Albus said.

"Is everyone here?" Hermione asked.

Molly, Ginny, and I climbed down from our trees.

"Molly! What did you get?"

"Just a wand," she said grumpily, "And almost died for it."

"What happened?" James asked with concern.

"Goyle almost got her," I told him, "Scorpius saved her."

"Scorpius?" James puzzled, "As in Scorpius Malfoy?"

Hugo nodded, "That's the one."

"How odd," Hermione replied.

A cannon fired in the distance. We forged on, finally reunited. James had gotten two swords and three wands. Hermione had food, a bow, and a good amount of arrows.

Despite how good our food and supplies were looking, I remembered how close Molly had been to death. Why had Scorpius saved her? Any of us could come that close to death, and there might not be a savior galloping towards us in shining armor.

I decided not to dwell on it.

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