Chapter Five

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"JAMIE JAMIE!" I shout as I run down the hall the next day. Everyone stares at me in alarm, but I don't care.
"EMMA EMMA!" Jamie yells back as she runs towards me, making more people stare.
"I HAVE TO TELL YOU SOMETHING!" We both shout at the same time when we reach each other.
"YOU FIRST." We say in sync. "NO YOU FIRST!"
"I'M MOVING TO NEW YORK!" We yell at each other.
"Wait, WHAT?" We both share the same confused expression.
"You are too?!" We scream.
"Okay, stop copying. Are you going to the New York School of Performing Arts?" I ask.
"Yes... Are you?" Jamie replies, a tone of excitement in her voice.
"OH MY GOSH, YES! What for?"
"Art & drawing, dance, and music & singing. What about you?"
"Acting, art & drawing, dance, fashion designing, movie design, and singing & music!"
"Awesome!" Jamie replies. We both jump up and down, squealing.

For the rest of the day, I can't even stay still in my seat! Jamie and I are so excited about the New York School of Performing Arts! Every time we look at each other we grin and have to hold in a squeal (which, is very hard, just so you know) which results in us attempting not to look at each other in our classes, but that's quite hard when we have all of our classes together (Except Science, which we don't have today) and sit next to each other. I think we get off the hook with it, even though the teachers give us weird looks.
Tomorrow we are going on the plane to NEW YORK CITY! I CAN NOT WAIT! We are going to get our suitcases and bags, put them in the car, then drive to Jamie's house and pick up Jamie and her parents. Then we will go to the airport and get on the plane to NYC. I've been on a plane a lot of times, but I've never been as excited as I will be tomorrow! It's going to be so fun!

Outside ~ Book One (#Wattys2015)Where stories live. Discover now