Chapter Fourteen

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(A/N: This is not Emma's perspective.)

Anyone's perspective:

"So, did you get her?" A woman's voice asks. Darkness surrounds her and her chair.
The woman's partner stands before her. "Unfortunately not. I'm afraid that she's already getting stronger-"
"Thanks to that idiot!" The woman shouts as she stands up and turns around. She has black hair to her elbows, green eyes, and lightly tanned skin. "Why couldn't she have just been normal for goodness sake?!" She snaps.
"Don't 'Jeanine' me, Ember! That girl was right there, defenceless, clueless. We could of just swooped in at anytime and attacked her! But no, we can't now, because that idiot of a sister Maddison had to just come along and decide to help her! That little-"
"Jeanine, I'll make sure Maddison has no more interaction with that girl, and I'll make sure that she is captured. Soon, I promise." Ember says.
Jeanine sits down and takes a breath. "Okay, but you better make sure you do it right, or I'll do it myself! And you don't want me to do it myself..."
Ember backs away in fear. "Yes Jeanine, I promise. Hopefully I'll finish the taking action in the plan in about a week."
Jeanine jumps out of her chair. "A WEEK?! That is way too long! If she's so powerful after two days then imagine how she will be in a WEEK! I am sending another girl to do it for you, and she's a child, Ember!
"Okay, I am sorry Jeanine..."
"You better be! Just go on with your plan, but my child is still going to help as well. Understood?" Jeanine orders and her eyes flash teal.
"Yes Jeanine."


~Emma's perspective~

I walk into music class and scream as I'm tripped over. A girl snickers and I stare up at her as the whole class starts laughing. It's Melissa, of course. -_- Jamie runs up to me and helps me up. Daniella comes over as well and we all death stare Melissa. She rolls her eyes, flips her hair and walks away. "Idiot..." I mutter under my breath.
"Don't worry Emma, she's just an attention seeker." Jamie says to me.
Daniella nods as the three of us walk over to where Chloe, Ariana, Mackenzie, and Tiahna sit.
"That girl really is a brat..." Chloe whispers to me.
I nod. "She sure is."
Suddenly Chloe's face lights up, like she just remember the most exciting thing on earth. "Oh yeah, you remember the other day how I said I thought I knew you from somewhere?" She asks and I nod. "Well, I asked my mom and she did some research and found this!" Chloe produces a price of paper out of her bag. I look at it. Chloe Emily Lily Nevile, Emmalee Natalia Matthews and Daniella Leia Matthews... "We're first cousins!"
"We are?" Daniella and I ask.
"Yep! That's how I knew you! I was born on the same hospital as you, a few days after you. We all moved to England when we were one, but then you, Daniella and your mom moved to Australia by yourselves. My mom, little sister Ruby and I moved back here and now Rachel and I see each other every now and then."
"Wow, so you really are our cousin!" I smile.
"Yep, isn't that cool?!" Chloe asks.
"Morning students." The teacher walks in and we look at her. "My name is Miss Honey and I am your music teacher for the year. Today we will do some research on the history of music and where it came from-"
The teacher is cut off by our moaning class. She sighs. "But, we will be playing some instruments afterwards."
My class cheers and we get started on the lesson.

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