Chapter Twelve

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"What, so these osby people want to kill you?" Daniella asks, her eyes wide. We are sitting together on my bed at home.
"It's OSBE. And yes, they want to kill me. After capturing and experimenting on me." I reply, looking out the window.
"Oh. Well, it's been nice knowing you."
I fling my head around to Daniella and practically jump on top of her. "WHAT?!" I scream. I can't die. I won't let them make me die.
"I'm just kidding. Although the likeliness of you being killed by this Organisation is pretty high-"
"I get it! I'm probably going to die, I know. That's why I have to train."
"Yes. It's not like I want you to die."
"WHY ARE YOU ASKING THAT? Yes, definitely!"



I jolt up and press the OFF button on the alarm before mom hears. She'll go nuts if she finds out what I'm doing. I look at my watch. 3:15am. I get up and put on black shorts and a tank top. I put on my converse and tie my hair in a high ponytail before opening the door and creeping into Daniella's room. She must of heard my alarm, because she's dressed in jeans and a t-shirt.
"Ready?" She whispers.
"As I'll ever be." I reply.
We creep down the stairs and I grab paper. I write:

To Mom,
Daniella and I have caught the bus to school.
Have a nice day.
Love Emma :)

I eat some cereal and bolt out the door with my bag. Daniella runs after me and we wait at the bus stop. Weird how the sun is almost up and buses run at this time... The bus pulls up and we get on. We're the only people on, which isn't much of a surprise.
"The New York school of Performing Arts please." I say.
"Okay." The bus driver smiles. Daniella and I sit down the aisle behind him and I look at instagram with my phone.


"We're here." The driver says. I look at my watch. 10 minutes to get there.
"Thank you." I say, then Daniella and I get out. I watch as the bus drives away and then turn to Daniella.
"Where now?" She asks.
"The gym." I reply, as I walk up the path.
"Wait for me!"

"You're here." A voice says as we enter the gym.
"Yeah..." I reply.
"Let's just start, we're wasting time." The lady that told me about my powers comes to us.
I walk onto the mat in the centre of the room.
"You will be fighting me." She says.
"You need to learn reflexes!'
She puts her hands in front of her and I copy her.
She eyes me. "Ready, set..."
"Are you sure about thi-"
"GO!" She lunges at me and I fall to the ground. She stands up. "Really? You're a level eight gymnast and that's what you do?"
I struggle to up and then stare at her. "HOW DO YOU KNOW ALL THIS?!"
She shrugs. "I used to work for OSBE, they know everything about you."
"WHAT?!" I scream.
"Stalkers..." Daniella mutters from the bleachers.
"Look, you have to get used to the whole stalking thing. And my name is Maddison."
"Well, Maddison, you don't have to be so rude about my skills." I dust myself off. "I just wasn't ready."
"Really?" She raises an eyebrow. "I'd like to see you try again then."
We get back in position. "Ready, set GO!"
I lunge at her this time. I know what I'm seeing, but for some reason my mind is picturing something else- That Maddisom is bringing her foot towards my stomach. I dismiss it, but a second later it happens. I black out.

Outside ~ Book One (#Wattys2015)Where stories live. Discover now