You like Sunflowers Now?

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They walk across the town, hand in hand as the afternoon sun greets them. The vibrant colors and array of flowers on the opposite side of the street attracts Jessica's eyes. She speaks without looking at Tiffany.

"There's a myth that sunflowers follow the sun as the sun rises and sets. They say it's out of loyalty."

"Do you really believe that?"

"I do."

"Why do you believe that?"

"Because I've seen the magic with my own eyes."

"Oh?" Tiffany quipped. "Since when did you fancy sunflowers?"

"Since you mentioned them."

The brunette grins because she knew she was going to respond likewise.

"Thank you for always listening, Jessi."

She places a quick kiss on Jessica's left temple.

It is ironic that after all this time, the younger girl is able to make her blush day in and day out with simple words and kisses.


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