1 - Move in

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         •Lily's POV•

  I carry in the last box and set it in the bedroom. My dad and I say our farewells and he leaves me to do my unpacking.

   As I unpack I start hearing drums playing next door. A voice goes on.

    "I'm fairly local

  Ive been around

I've seen the streets

Your walking down

I'm fairly local

Good people now
Oh oh oh oh oh oh oh"

I started swaying to the music, it has a very nice beat.

As the night was overcoming the light blue sky they were still singing. I was unpacked and ready to sleep, I was so tired from all the heavy lifting.

"I will make you queen of everything you see

I'll put you on a map, and cure you of disease-"

I decided I would go introduce myself and ask them to quiet down a bit.

I wrap my thin red rob over my short pajama pants and Guns n Roses tank top. Slipping on my flip flops I move to the door next to me. Knocking lightly the music stopped. A guy, not too older than me opens the door.

"May I help you?" He asked. My eyes were glued to his pink hair, I shifted my focus on his words.

"Oh uh, yes. My name is Lily and I just moved in today. I was wondering if maybe you can maybe be a little more quiet with your singing." I felt shy and I blushed.

"I'm sorry Lily, I'll tell my friend to shut up. Well, I'm Josh." He smiles at me and shakes my hands. "Tyler, come here!" He yells behind him.

   A man comes up creeping behind him, a cute man. "Tyler, this is Lily, our new neighbor." Josh introduced me. Tyler waves.

   "Hey Lily." 

  I smile at him "Hello". Josh looks at Tyler "you need to stop playing music for today, people need to sleep." Tyler looked at me, with a sad expression and cleared his throat.

"Um, when do you wake up?" His voice is scratchy, probably from the singing.

"I will be waking up at 7:30 in the mornings tomorrow, Tuesday, and Thursday and probably around 8-10 every day except those." I sway my body, becoming slightly awkward.

We say goodbye and I walk back to my apartment.

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