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Beep! Beep! Beep!
And right when turned of my alarm the piano next door screeched in tune to his voice.

"We don't believe what's on TV
Because its what we want to see, and what we what we know we can't believe.

We have all learned to kill our dreams..."

All sounds stop and I hear a bang.

He must be trying out lyrics.

Restarting he keeps going.

"I need to know, how its like to be in love. mhm, cause I hear no sounds and its really making life so miserable."

Another bang comes "JOSH HELP ME!" I shake my head and start to get dressed.
  I put on a black tank top and skinny jeans, topping it off with a red flannel tied around my waist and a SnapBack that reads 'DOPE' on it.

  All I need for makeup is a little concealer and mascara because I have pretty clear skin, thanks to my mom.

  As I begin to head out with throwing my vans Disney princess book bag over my shoulder I hear a very faint 'hey' from behind me. I turn to see...uh...


  YEAH! Tyler! "Oh hey, Tyler. Where are you heading?"

  "College.." He whispered

  "Oh me too, what's your major?"

As we started to walk towards the parking lot he replied "Music"

"Me too! But my minor is Management, I want to be a music manager like my big brother."

"I want to sing, I play ukulele, piano and drums, but Josh would be my drummer because he's exceptionally incredible."

"I love singing but I'm no good at it, I play nothing."

"Do you um, have a car to drive to college?" Tyler rubs the back of his neck nervously.

"I'm going to the Ohio Community College so I was just gonna ride the bus. I'm going to get a car next week though."

"I could um, give you a ride, I go to that college too." I chuckle at his nervousness.

"Yes Tyler I would love a ride." He breaths a sigh of relief and relaxes his tense muscles.

He leads me to a red jeep with black rims. "Red?" I ask. Tyler nods and a big grin spreads across his face.
"It's Josh's favorite color."

"What's your next class?" Tyler whispers to me in Music, we have the same class.

"I have the business class next, it's a 2 hour class that I'm dreading."
  "A 3 hour than a 2 hour class! Wow, that's tough" I nod in agreement.

"I'll take the bus on the way home so you don't have to wait around if you don't have the next class that long."

  "No I do, I took another music class to keep me busy throughout the day. It's 2 hours too" he gives me a weak smile.
  "If you say so"

  -Tyler's POV-
  Lily and I walk out of our music class. "I'll meet you at the car in 2 hours, we could get some lunch out maybe?" I suggested. She nods.
   "That would be nice."

  After me and her split ways I get to my car. I don't actually have a next class, I don't know why I said I did. I don't know why I gave her a ride. My mouth is working faster than my head, not that I don't like her! Have you seen her? She's absolutely beautiful.

  I don't like getting close to anybody, I tend to be on the run and go. Josh is the only one other than my brother Zach I allow to get close. I suffer from depression, I'm suicidal. I'm ok though, or at least I will be, that's what Josh tells me and I trust him.

  I dial Josh's number.
  "Are you gonna be home soon? I want to get lunch"

"Um actually I'm not gonna be home for a while, I'm giving Lily a ride home because she's also at college and her next class ends in 2 hours. We are gonna get lunch after, I already told her that..."

  It was completely silent on the other line.

  "Are you gonna get close this time?" Josh asked.

"I don't kn-"

  "Tyler you need more than me and Zach, you need a lover, a girl, it might not always be her but a relationship will help you right now, you are getting unstable-"

  "Josh, she's gonna stay a friend, I don't need love! All I need is to get better!"

  "Have you ever thought that love might help it get better? Think about that, don't hurt her by getting close than distancing yourself. Put her feelings in consideration."

"Ok, bye Josh. Love ya"

  "Love you too bro"

I hang up and sit back. I set an alarm for 20 minutes before her class gets out and fall asleep.

  "Tyler! You hurt me!" Her sad blue eyes stared into mine. Her hand reached for my face and her thumb caresses my cheek, which are wet from my tears. "I'm sorry Vivian." I whisper.

  "You killed me, I'm dead because of you" her sad face turned into horror when she started coughing and thin black hands came crawling out of her throat. An evil spirit with black hands and neck came out of her mouth leaving her skin on the ground behind it.

  "And I hate you for it." The spirit took its long skinny index finger and stabbed my stomach, going through my intestines making me cough up blood.

  Beep beep beep!

  I jolted awake as my alarm went off, I was sweating. Hard rain came from outside pounding the glass window next to me. I grabbed An umbrella from the back and went out of the car, letting some down pour drench me so I look as if I was out in the rain. I walk to Lily's classroom and wait outside until she comes out 15 minutes later.

"Hey" I said quietly putting the umbrella over her.

  "Awe thank you, did you go and get that from your car? Your drenched! Did you actually go to class?"

I chuckled at all her questions "yes, and yes but my class got out a little early"

  "Now your cars gonna be all wet!" She nudges me with her elbow.

  " I have an extra pair of cloths in my car, it's ok"

  "If you say so."

The Idiots Next Door [Twenty One Pilots]Where stories live. Discover now