Ch.4 Safe and Sound

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"What happens when your heart beats again?" Lucas asked after a few minutes of silence.

"It will release my true form." He looked up confused. " When the experiments were done, I no longer held a human form, but that of a monster. My power was greater than they expected and so they sealed it away by putting it in the heart that long since stopped beating."

"And so the seal will be broken when your heart beats again." I nodded "How do you get your heart beating again."

"I have to learn the true meaning of happiness, and love."

"That's easy." 

"Don't be so sure of yourself. I have been in the darkness for 13 years now." He held tighter, if that was even possible.

"I'll never give up on you. I promise to love you until the end of time." What scared me was not of him lying and hurting me in the end, but it was that I knew he wasn't. I knew he loved me and that's what scares me.

"You shouldn't fall in love with someone like me you know."


"Because I don't know what it takes to make someone happy."

"Then let me be your teacher." I laughed and he stared confused.

"I couldn't help, but hear a double meaning to that." he blushed while everyone else burst out laughing. 

"Thank god, I thought I was the only one who heard it." Jasper said as he dies of laughter.

 "Shut up! Dad!" he looked over to Alex alone to see him laughing to. He tried to cover it with a cough, but it was too late.

"Alright that's enough, I don't want anyone to die laughing." Alex said as he stood.

"Aw, but that's the best way to die." I pouted up to him and he patted my head as he went to the door. "Where are you going?"

"I still have a kingdom to run you know. Lucas may have the title, but I still have to make sure he didn't forget anything."

"He's the forgetful type, yeah lucky me."

"Why do I feel like there is a double meaning to that."

"Who knows." I looked at my phone and saw that it was 3:01 already."I better get going to." I stood and left before Lucas could stop me. 

I got on my bike the sametime Lucas came out to stop me. I drove away, but he shifted to his wolf form and started after me. Unfortunately, he's faster then my bike, but fortunately I know how to get away from a supernatural chasing me ;P. It wasn't that hard really, I was driving at full speed meaning so was he. I was going straight for a good 2 minutes and made a sharp turn at an intersection. He ran right past me and before he knew what happened, I was already gone.

*A few minutes later*

I walk in the house. I walked to the 'play room' and strapped myself to the chair.

"Oh, you're earlier." my mom said as she came in.

"Just, wanted to get it over with." she put down the knives and guns on the table.

"Well that's no fun. I thought I'd at least have time to prepare a surprise, but since you're here let's begin shall we." she smile was sicking. my sisters came in not long after, along with a man I knew all too well. 

"Hello Eva, you've grown to such a beautiful girl. I can't wait to take your virginity." I don't know what sickened me more, my families smile, or the fact I was going to be raped by my stalker.

"We'll let you have your fun. Come girls." they left and Rio a.k.a my stalker came to me and unstrapped me. Big mistake, like hell I'll let him rape me.

"Be a good girl and when I'm done they'll let you go." what? "Freedom is what you desire isn't it. You can have it as long as you don't fight me." I let him drag me to the metal table and strap me in. If this is the only way to be free, then so be it.

he undressed me and himself . He got top on of me and kissed my neck, moaning my name every few seconds. It sicken me to be touched by someone that's not Lucas, but this is the only way to get my freedom. "Come on Eva, at least moan my name once and while." he said as he kissed down my stomach. The every thought of it made me sick. "Fine, you don't have to. I know you'll start moaning soon anyway." He was about to put his tough in me when the door broke down he was taken off me. Before I knew it, Lucas ripped off his head and had me in his arms.

"Why didn't you pull him off you." He held me tighter and cried on my shoulder. 

"I'm sorry you had to find out this way my king, but one of my other daughters will be more suited." Know I understand.

"They said they'll give me my freedom. That's what I always wanted, with my freedom I can be truly happy. That's all I ever wanted. It sicken me to have him touch that way, but if it was for my freedom then so be it. I didn't have a choice." He held me tighter as I cried.

"Your freedom is with me." *beat*  My heart, did it just... beat. "Dad take care of this, I'm taking Eva home."

"But of course." Lucas put his black shirt on me and to say it was big on me is an understatement, but be fair he is 6'4 and I'm 5'1. Yeah, I know I'm short for my age. "Ha, lucas's shirt fits you like a dress."

"Shut up!" I pouted "Old man." I said as Lucas carried me out. I could feel him chuckle as he walked down the road. "How did you find me." 

"I followed your scent. When I made it to your house I called dad and waited for him to arrive before going in, but I regret waiting." We stayed silence the rest of the way there and somewhere along the way I fell asleep.

I woke up to Lucas holding me in bed. He stood up to leave, but I grabbed his hand. "Don't you want to be alone for a while." I shook my head.

"Don't leave me here alone." 

"I'll never let you go." I felt tears run down my face. He laid back down and held me close as I cried on his shoulder. He sang,"Just close your eyes, the sun is going down, you'll be alright, no one can hurt you now, come morning light, you and I'll be safe and sound." *beat* *beat*

~ I used some of the lyrics of the song cause I thought it fit will to this scene. To Be Continued!!!!!!!!  

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