Its my fault

34 7 1

I have changed a lot this year,

I've been hurt so much I can't even bare

I've felt so much hatred because of this 'affair'

Its because of you!

I blame you.

I might sound like a miserable loner

but I know im not

I actually shouldn't be blaming you

but most people point fingers at the first person they think of.

why cant i do that?!


It really feels like a long time since I have loved you

and I so wish it were.

I actually wish I had never met you, 

because it seems like ever since we met

I dont really know what to do.

I dont blame you,

I blame myself.

*Alot may find it hard to understand this because it doesnt relate to other poems/ it just doesnt make sense but hey its personal. mcwaah luv u peopl....dnt forget to vote!

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