Lets juss be honest

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To be honest, 

I did not know you.

I thought it was love but love doesnt know you,

Even though you stole my heart

it did not keep you,

it did not want you,

and it ddnt need you,

You thought  I was weak in love with you, 

but no!

I was deep in lies for you,

I believed every fake, heartless, evil lie you told,

I believed it when u said our love would grow till we old.

But i cant believe i believed u when u said u cared.

When you claimed you knew what breakup feels like and you didnt want it to happen,


it happened,

and aint it a coincidence that you just happened to find another lover as quick as you found me?

You planned this,

you put me into your heart knowing I wont stay,

knowing you would one day chase me out,

knowing you would want me out to make room for someone else.

How nice!

I hope you enjoy your 2 month life together, 

or maybe the next one will be so lucky to actually feel this and last longer.

Yepp! 2 months is all it took for me to fall in love,

and i  know they say true love is hard to leave,

but when a person hurt you so much! it only takes 2 days to get over them.


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