Its been long since we last touched

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Our lives have become a professional game of hide and seek.

You are always hiding, I'm always seeking.

You are always running, I'm always wanting.

If only you could see my eyes wanting permission to look

If only you could see my hands seeking approval to feel

If only you could see my whole body wanting consent to be next to yours.

But you cannot see.

Your eyes are blinded by history.

How to erase it will always be a mystery.

'Sorry' is not enough.

Explainations and truth are not enough.

Love is never enough.

Its been long since we last touched.

Your body has been declared so precious that it had to be taken away from me.

Your body has been declared so perfect that its been put in a cage I cannot enter.

But our love was as perfect and precious.

No one could imitate.

One could only dedicate.

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