I Don't Want to Live With out You!

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Hello  again internet blog, a lot of you are coming and reading how I feel. I don't how you came to find this bog or why you keep coming back but I can just say that you must be interested in me or you just feel the same as I do. so let's begin with telling you how my week went, let's just say off record my week went up, up, up and down with a bang.

My Mother's best friend got put in the hospital and of course being homeschooled I had to go see her along with my parents and I felt sorry for her. As she laid there on the bed staring, at me looking for words of comfort but sadly I only signed I hope you feel better with my hand,  she had forgotten I couldn't hear anymore sometimes I forget myself yesterday I saw myself singing and I forget that I couldn't hear for a whole 4 hours I was pretending to see the world as if I could hear but then I remembered things sounded different then that and I open my eyes and I cried with sorrow for what a wonderful dream to hear my mother singing and to hear my father tell stories it me, life as been a rough to be and at least I could sit there and hold that poor ladies hand and try to remember the goodness in the darkened times.

I have not always been the luckiest girl but when it comes to my family I was truly blest my mother, father and my sister and brother all of them have taken my troubles and out them on there own weights of this world and I don't want to live with any of them, and certainly I don't want to live with out my God how will let me hear again I know it my bones as my dad would say.

this is it for now,

your friend,

Jemma Angel.

Written By:PMPfan13*

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