Little Town Of Bethlam.

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You know the bible right?? that place where Jesus was born will my town is called bethlam and bascialy we very christain people here! I love when I (when I could still hear) the chour of chruch I sang my heart out to the crowd I felt as if singing kept me going thorugh out all those little bad things in life.

like your frist heart break and you first I told you so and you frist time you get lost and can't find your way out! I am making this blog to help me express myself without having a daoubt of fear. but I still fearful everyone so kind to me why should I fear thou?? it is because I can't understand them and I try so hard but I fail flat on my face I use to understand talking people I was a talking hear person once but then my hear got lost and doctors are stil hoepfully for me to get my hearing back but I lost all hope!
what is hope you ask?? hope is something yoy belive in with all your heart until you can't fight it any longer hope keeps us going thought bad times and good times hope is the subcaint os things seen and not seen the hope for a better the day the hope that we would be safe from wars, and bullies the hopw which is peace on earth good will toward men we forget this so cause we lose hope because hope is hard to keep but easy to lose!!!!!!

have you ever had that dream where you could totaly be yourself or the you you want to be! I want tobe the hearing girl I once was and I am willling to lay everything on the line for it or well I was! I hope I not bring you people who read this in a sad mode I have tried to be strong person I was but maybe I not as strong maybe I not as brave maybe the world is watching me ready for me to make my next big accident come true!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

maybe so but i still fight on!


Jemma Angel!

Written by: pmpfan13*

P.S: I own all of this so not stealing! also this is fanctional story! also please, vote,like,comment,review and star my stories!

do you hear what I hear?Wo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt