Chapter 22: Just a Few Minutes Before

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P.O.V of eighteen wheeler driver

I turned up my tunage as soon as I got in. It's something that I've done a lot lately. Turn it up louder I mean. I've always listened to my tunage when hauling a load, but recently, it has been louder. It's because Mary and I are fighting.

We've had it good during our 15 years of marriage. Recently, she's been nit picking about everything and always starting a fight between us with whatever it is that she's nagging about. I love her and all, but sometimes, a man needs his peace and quiet. I only get that peace and quiet when I'm hauling loads in my eighteen wheeler.

I turn my tunage up extra loud today to drown out the voice of Mary's nagging in my head. We got into a fight about something so small and irrelevant this morning, and it's driving me bonkers.

"It's cold today Harry," she had told me while pouring her coffee.

"Yeah I suppose it is. What's it to ya," I told her taking a bite of my slightly over toasted bagel.

"What's it to me? What's it to me? Well let me tell you what's it to me. If you don't bring an extra jacket, you'll catch a cold. Then you'll want me waiting on you hand and foot that's what. And you'll keep complaining over the little things," she said her face taking on a nasty shade of red indicating she was close to screaming.

"Like you've got room to talk," I snorted not thinking before I spoke.

"What's that supposed to mean?" she questions raising her voice to only one notch away from full on screaming.

"That's all you've been doing latley: nit picking and complaining over little things," I grumble shoving a piece of French toast into my mouth.

"Oh yeah?" she challenges me placing her hands on her hips. "Name one time I've ever done that."

"I can do better and give you five examples just from yesterday," I tell her wiping the corners of my mouth with a napkin. "First, I forgot to fix my side of the bed, second, the placemats were off by an inch, third, I had two different socks on, fourth, I didn't kiss you when I got back from work and last but not least, I farted last night in bed asleep, yet you still got mad at me."

"Nobody likes a smartass," she says turning back around to turn off the coffee pot.

I shake my head upset with myself that I egged her on this morning. She decided to ignore me on my way out which was fine by me since I was still pissed off.

As I turn on the isolated road that barely anyone uses, I start to feel the effects of the cold on me. Mary was right, I should've brought an extra jacket.

Looking out at the road in front of me, I notice that it's covered in a thin sheet of ice. I'll just have to be extra careful today.

As I hum along to the radio, the station goes out. I spend a few minutes twisting the knob until I find a station that works. The last few chords of the song play out fading and a new one comes on. I couldn't recognize the song at first since it's been so long, but it was the first song Mary and I danced to.

My brain becomes clouded with thoughts and tears filled my eyes blurring my vision. As I struggle to wipe my tears away, I fail to notice the turn coming up ahead until it was almost too late. I made a sharp turn making the eighteen wheeler go onto the other lane. Too late I notice a truck full of teenagers.

I lock eyes with the driver, and I see him push the girl next to him to the side. I stomp my foot on the brake, but it did nothing to slow down. We collided and everything was in slow motion as we flipped into the ditch. The glass on the front windshield broke sending glass to my face cutting it in the process. Water immediately starts rushing in, and I knew I wouldn't make it. I hope those kids did because I would hate to be the reason they died young.

I took my last breath and as the eighteen wheeler sank, I thought, 'Mary, I'm sorry.'

Author's Note: Ok so once again I'm sorry for not posting last week, but I already explained it. I'm also sorry about the shortness of this chapter, but next week will make up for it I promise. As always, I love you all, and I'll post next Sunday.

~jnicoleb1234 out!

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