Chapter 36: All That Talk

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"Wake up sleepy head," I hear Sage's voice say to my left. My eyes shoot open, and I jerk up into a sitting position finding myself on Sage's couch in his living room. "We have an hour and a half to get ready for school."

"Dude what happened last night?" I asked him rubbing my head and the sleepiness from my eyes. It's then that I take note that I'm still in my dress from last night.

"Ugh were to begin?" he asked himself rubbing his hand on the back of his neck.

"It would be good if you started from when we got here," I say angling myself so that I'm facing Sage.

"Well, I went to go get what I had for you, and when I came down, you had a weird look on your face. Your eyes were also glassy which is what happens when one of your memories resurfaces. I don't know what you saw, but after words instead of talking, you blacked out on the couch. I tried to wake you up, but I couldn't. After a few minutes, I called your parents and told them what happened. They wanted me to just let you sleep here, so that's what I did," he tells me never one looking away from me. "Do you want to talk about it?"

"Not particularly, but thank you for letting me stay," I say to him looking down and away from his eyes. A few awkward minutes passed as we don't speak to each other and just stay in our spots not moving or looking at each other.

"Anyways," Sage says breaking the silence by clearing his throat, "Ann said you can borrow some of her clothes to wear to school today, and we'll bring you there this morning."

"Okay then. Where is Ann?" I ask him just as the door opens and Ann waltz her way inside the house.

"What's up!" she shouts as soon as she sees us. "Come with me to the bathroom Kade I have some clothes for you!" She grabs my arm and runs off with me around the corner to the hall bathroom. As we do so, she hums the whole way along.

"You in a good mood or something?" I ask her as she pulls me into the bathroom before locking the door behind us.

"Hhm. . . maybe," she says pulling some clothes out of her backpack. "I'll tell you later. Here, these are for you." I unfold the stack of clothes she handed me to see what it was. She had given me a pair of black skinny jeans with rips in the knees and a short sleeved Batman t-shirt along with a black jacket.

"Guys! We got thirty minutes left, and it takes twenty to get to school from here! Move it people!" Sage shouts out from his room.

"I don't want to be kept waiting either!" James adds in passing by the bathroom door jingling his keys as he does.

"Hold your horses!" Ann yells back at them as we hurry to change into our clothes as she was also still in her nighttime wear.

"They better not leave without us," I say to Ann as I tie my combat boots on my feet.

"Trust me, they wouldn't dare leave us behind," Ann says with a smirk on her face.

* * *

"Yo Kade, where have you been baby girl?" Hendrix asks once he sees me walk up.

"Yeah you're the last on here," TeX chimes in looking up from Gwendolyn's lips for just a split second.

"That never happens," Gwendolyn gets out before TeX claims her lips.

"Well something came up," I tell them hoping they won't pry and hopping up on the wall sitting on Jevan's right side. "Where's Niklaus, Aniya, and Jadan at?" There were choruses of I don't knows before we spotted them on the other side of the courtyard.

"I wonder what's going on over there," Gwendolyn muses looking over there at them after breaking away from TeX's lips successfully this time.

"We'll find out soon enough I'm sure," Jevan says rolling his eyes before checking his phone for a text no doubt sent by Niklaus.

"Speak of the devil, and he shall appear," TeX mumbles as we see the three of them start to walk over here.

"What's the word buzzing around the grapevine? Anything juicy?" Hendrix asks them as soon as they show up at the Wall.

"Word is that there's an outrageous party that's supposed to be going on next week," Niklaus informs us sitting down next to Jevan. Of course it would be Niklaus to find out about parties.

"That's why we need to ditch school!" Jadan shouts out jumping up and down in anticipation and excitement.

"So get off your lazy butts so we can go shopping for party outfits!" Aniya shouts out running to her car with all of us following behind her and grouping up to go.

"Now this is what I'm talking about!"

Author's Note: Sorry about this chapter being shorter than the previous one, but I kept my promise about uploading two chapters instead of one. The reason I wanted to do that is because I didn't plan on splitting the date chapter into two, but I did and didn't want to change my planned out schedule. That's why one of these was shorter because I ran out of energy and became a bit tired when I was writing. Anyway please give your love to my other books and not just this one. Hearing Everything Around Me is finished, and it would be cool if you all checked it out and raised the views on it. It Started As a Deal is still being regularly updated, so you won't have to wait long on updates. Runaways is still fairly new, so I would appreciate it if you all check it out. I really do love each and every one of you who takes the time to read my work! XOXO!

~jnicoleb1234 out!

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