The day

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Aaron woke up with a smile and raced to the bathroom and got himself ready for the day.He put on the Markiplier shirt and pajama pants to look cute for Mark .He then remembered that he wanted to satisfy his little kink tonight so,he decided to go shopping for this special night .He went to numerous places all day and came back exhausted. I'm so tired .But I want this so badly he thought I want to .I won't let this stop me.He slept for about an hour to rest and went back to his work.The sun was already setting and Aaron knew he needed to work faster.He was cooking up various meals for Mark to eat .enough to feed a family of 50 or more.He watched the time go by slowly as he was almost done .He got a text from Mark and he immediately looked. Hey I'm gonna be there in five minutes.Want to see ya .I can't wait.
Yes...It's done.Everything I needed to do is done.Now all I need is something to trigger him.
He looked into his cabinet and found a small white bottle of a hunger potion.He poured it all on the first plate and snickered .

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